"I am certain death itself could not keep me from you."

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"You have some nerve," Camila willed herself to withdraw her anger but she couldn't. There stood a man that had every turn made a point to throw jabs at her relationship with Lauren after he'd bedded the very being he hated most. "What makes you think you have the right to judge Lauren for what she is after you've literally slept with the epitome of darkness?"

"Your idea of evil has been misconstrued, Araquiel."

"Camila," She spoke through gritted teeth. "I want no association with your selective acceptance and hypocrisy. I am Camila Cabello, Sinuhe and Alejandro Cabello are my parents and you...you're just a celestial joke in my life at this point."

"You were not prepared for what you have discovered," Gabriel sighed, his eyes hard as he held those of his daughter. "Evil now carries more shades than the black and white you have been shown. Your mother, she is the grey."

"I want to go back."


"My name is Camila!" Camila's entire body is assaulted by a heat she had never experienced before and by no fault of her own, a wave of dark smoke that rushed towards Gabriel, sending him flying through the white abyss around them.

And as quickly as the wave of smoke shot from her, it retracted back like a spring and the lightness that took over her after it had projected was tainted by its darkness instantly.

"You know nothing of your power yet," Gabriel returned looking significantly weaker than moments prior. "That was the darkness you hold, for your light holds no power here. But that darkness, child, it will consume you if you let it."

"Send me back." Camila swallowed as her heart rate picked up. She was nervous, she was...scared. "Now, send me back now."

She blinked and when she opened her eyes once more, it was to a pale chin that was facing directly forward. And she came to know that she'd woken in Lauren's arms, the vampire carrying her with firm arms and furrowed brows.

"Hey," Camila decided to alert the older woman of her return.

And Lauren came to an instant stop, feeling Camila wiggle so she could stand on her own. The vampire made sure to ensure the younger woman was steady before she took in Camila. And only then did she drop her head to catch her lips in her own, solidifying the knowledge that Camila was once again amongst the living.

"I am never certain of your return." Lauren allowed their foreheads to rest upon one another.

"I'm here." The brunette let her hand lift and come to a rest upon the vampire's cheek, closing her eyes for a moment to take in the calmness that Lauren now elicited within her. "Where's Lucy?"

"She-" Lauren cleared her throat for moment and let her hands drop to Camila's waist, to keep her in place because she was certain that brunette hadn't even registered the events that had happened that night. "The body of the boy...Lucia feels it only right for him to be discovered and mourned."

"Shawn-" And it all attacked her at once. The beast, the wolves...Shawn. And any peace that Lauren had granted her was stolen instantly by the grief that overcame her in that moment.

All she could find herself down was weeping though her ears could not hear a single sound. Her legs gave out beneath her and instead of holding her up, Lauren allowed her to fall but she fell with her. Lauren knew now was a time for strength to leave them. Camila needed to appreciate the weakness of humanity, she needed to feel it but Lauren would not allow her to feel it alone.

So the pair dropped to the ground but not before Lauren pulled Camila to her. Sitting cross-legged, she cradled the angel to her and she let her cry and feel and understand the loss she'd experienced that night.

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