"Very rarely shall I adhere to your wishes."

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"You know, we can't just...hide away from the rest of the world, right?" Camila rolled over, her entire frame settled upon Lauren and her hair shielding them from everything outside of them. Everything around them was blacked out and all Lauren saw was soft, brown eyes that spoke of adoration she knew she did not deserve.

"I think with added efforts on both parties," Lauren smirked. "We successfully could, my dear."

"We're being hunted, Lauren," Camila felt cool finger trail down to the small of her back. "And this bubble we let ourselves live in these last couple of days...it's gonna pop."

"Then I shall tear the person who pops it limb from limb." The excitement in Lauren's eyes told Camila that the vampire was indulging in the thought and it...concerned her. "I love you, Camila Cabello. I love you with the endlessness of eternity I have in my veins."

The vampire instantly alleviated the worried thoughts resting within the mind of the half-angel. The vampire managed to turn dark into light with three simple words.

And when Camila felt those cold fingers tuck her hair behind her ear, she couldn't help but lean into the touch because she was sure...she was certain that in the entirety of all her lives, she would never love a creature quite the way she loved Lauren. It was a unique type of love wherein she could see the vampire's flaws, she could hate them even...but she could love the woman before her all the same. She did not dismiss Lauren's wrongdoings, in fact, she was sure she hated herself to some extent for accepting them to be a part of the vampire, but she was also certain that Lauren would not be that creature again.

Camila would not let her be.

Camila remembered loving Shawn, she remembered it but it felt like a lifetime ago, as if she'd died and awoken to a whole new world in which her heart could never belong to him again. She remembered the purity of that love...but she did not long for it.

Not the way she longed for Lauren's kisses, for the faint inkling of a smile that would stir on the corners of the vampire's lips. Not the way she longed to be encased in everything the vampire was, like they were in that moment.

"I love you too," Camila breathed out, as if her entire body felt the relief of allowing the words to slip past her lips. She turned to the vampire and she kissed her because she could. Because she was entitled to kiss Lauren now and every day of forever. "Maybe we stay in the bubble for just a little bit longer."

"If you insist," Lauren smirked, pulling the girl back on top of her but resisting the urge to kiss those inviting lips. Instead, Lauren took in the moment the very same way Camila had prior.

It was blissful, a kind of peace she did not know she longed for. But there she was, sprawled out on a bed with a creature that should not exist resting upon her. In every one of her lives, she was sure she could not have imagined to be blessed with such a privilege.

And as she opened her mouth to speak her thoughts, she was interrupted by the urgent knocks upon their door.

"Bubble popped," Lauren sighed, slipping out from under Camila because she would be damned before she allowed herself to watch her love die once more because she could not protect her.

She opened the door to a tall blonde with a packed back and anxious eyes.

"I'm staying here. Every time I walk outside I think I'm going to be attacked by some kind of weird creature, so I'm staying here."

"Dinah," Camila walked in, wrapping a robe around herself hastily before making her way over to her friend. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, I found out my best friend is the world's saving grace and she's into a fucking vampire and then a vampire tried to kill me," Dinah eyed Lauren distrustfully. "But...I figured I'm safer off with the good-ish vampire and...you." The blonde's eyes landed back on Camila.

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