"My death is necessary."

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Vero opened the door before Camila was even able to knock and the disappointment shining in the older brunette's eyes hit Camila with more force than she thought it would. But she figured a lot of Vero's emotions and reactions would be more potent to her now. 

She sighed softly, because the last thing she wanted was to do this but she also knew that maybe she had to. Maybe this was something she couldn't avoid. Her father had said it, she was put on this earth to do exactly what she was planning to do. 

"Do you think she'd ever forgive me for this?" Camila's eyes turned back to her room door and there was a sense of comfort that enveloped her knowing that Lauren was safely behind it. 

"With ease," Vero scoffed, stepping into the hallway and closing the door behind her. "But you won't be there to forgive. It'll be something else. Something you'd hate. Something only she'd be able to get close enough to kill."

"And she has to." Camila nodded, running a hand through her hair. "When I think about how I could be at my darkest, I know even that version of me couldn't kill her. So she is the only one that can do it and she has to."

"You're really gonna do it? You're really gonna kill your mother?"

"I am," The angel offered her counterpart a small smile. "But you have to do one thing for me."

"Anything, you know that."

"Stay here." Camila's eyes found Vero's and she held them captive. "Stay with them. Keep them safe for me. Lauren is gonna ask you to look for me and I'm telling you not to. Understand me?"

"You know I can't just stay here, you know that's not how this works."

"It has to," The younger brunette exhaled softly, reaching up and cupping Vero's cheek. "Because I won't be able to focus on doing what I have to if you were anywhere near my mother. I can't risk you getting hurt and if you were to die," Camila squeezed her eyes closed and willed the image out of her mind. "It would break me. You're a part of me now, Vero. I gave you a portion of my soul and that holds us together. I've never felt this kind of protectiveness over anyone before, so you have to understand why you need to stay here. A mother wouldn't take her child into war, don't ask me to take you to the one place I can almost guarantee you won't make it out of."

"Staying here could tear me apart."

"But you'd be alive. And you can fix it over time. It wouldn't be for very long anyways, the moment Lauren kills me, you're free of that pain. Just make sure she does it. She won't want to, but she'll need to."

"Camila, are you forgetting the part where I would probably kill her before I let her lay a single hand on you?"

"Figure it out," Camila stepped away from Vero. "For this to work, I need you to figure it out. Numb the tether for a second if you have to. And help Lauren figure out a way to kill me. Permanently."

"If you're really going through with this, then you realise this is pretty much our last conversation and the last one with Lauren is it as well?"

"I made my peace with my last sane moments with Lauren. As for you, you don't need my words. You'll feel what I feel until the very moment I don't anymore." Camila reached past the witch and opened her door back up, walking closer to Vero and feeling her own darkness seep into her eyes, clouding them in the obsidian black that Vero had become all too familiar with. As soon as Vero was back in the room, Camila stepped back out and offered her friend a small smile as her eyes returned to their chocolate brown.

"Camila-" Vero took a step towards the angel but the moment her foot touched the threshold of the door, it felt like fire beneath her. 

Camila had trapped her in. 

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