Chapter Ten: Bonding Time And Answers

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.......Everybody got in the car and Bruce drove as fast as he could, like most times, while driving away we heard gunshots and I knew it was Harvey.

I don't know if I fainted or fell asleep, but I had an awful dream. I was in a dark empty room at first it wasn't that bad. Me and Harvey were slow dancing but then every time the music got slower a light would turn on every time over someone's lifeless body first it was Bruce then Grayson, Drake, Jason, Riddler, Oliver, J and then ...... Barry. 'Why Barry?' I stopped dancing and looked at the person in front of me it was Harleen "Kill her." Before I could react, Harvey had his gun against my head he had tears in his eyes but still pulled the trigger.

I woke up screaming. Oliver was at my side faster than I could have said his name, he must have been nearby.

He softly spoke "You're ok it was just a dream. Alfred has bandaged your leg, you're fine."

I told Oliver about the nightmare, and he just stood there shocked but snapped out of it and moved a stray hair out of my face and whispered, "It's fine, everything is ok, I'm here go back to sleep."

I shook my head and said, "Only if you lay d...own with me."

He laughed a little and said, "You know if I did everybody would kill me."

I smiled and said, "You take them on."

He sighed "There really is no talking you out of something you want, Is there?"


"Scoot over." He sighed.

I moved over and he laid down next to me wrapping his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and fell back asleep.

Later I woke up Oliver was gone. I got up and looked at a nearby clock it was midnight. I went downstairs heading to the living room first. Drake was asleep on the couch I walked over to him and woke him up. He stood up rather quickly making me stumble backward and almost fall. I caught my balance just in time.

"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier."

"Earlier as in two days ago?"

"Two days ago?"

"You have been passed out for two days today and yesterday to be exact. Can I go back to sleep now?"

I walked off and headed to the kitchen. Oliver and Barry were sitting at the counter talking. I opened the fridge and said, "Why are you here."

Barry put his hand over his chest like that genuinely hurt his feelings "Wow, don't have to be so rude, do we? But why I'm here is because Ollie was worried, he called me, turns out because you hadn't used your powers for so long it took time for you to heal but you still healed rather quickly but it took a lot of energy. Resulting in being passed out for two days, your stutter disappearing, and your hunger."

"I'm not hungry!" I said while taking out a left-over pizza.

Barry laughed. I turned and asked Oliver "How long did you lay with me before leaving?"

"I woke up about an hour ago."

I sat down with the pizza and started eating. "How long not when did you wake up."

"About half a day"

We sat in silence until Bruce walked in getting something to drink and sitting down. "Oliver told us about your nightmare and we all agreed that the people you saw lifeless all have three and a half things similar."

I looked at him and asked "Really? What are the similarities?"

Oliver was the first to say something "One, they are all on this team."

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