"No need for that" he says as both his hands surrender in the air. "I'll tell you what you want to know."

Kiba, Shino, Sakura, mystery guy and I sat down at a booth. Shino quietly played with his bugs. Sakura's resting bitch face was as prevalent as ever. Kiba was basically tearing mystery guy limb from limb with his eyes as the mystery guy sat playing with his fingers cowaring from Kibas intense stare. I searched on the menu desperately for ramen. "What can I get you all to drink?" says the blonde waiter.

"We will not be eating." Kiba barked, not taking his eyes off the brown haired man.

"Actually does this place have ramen?" I ask politely.

"This is a grill" she rolls her eyes and struts away.


"When did you see Hinata?" Kiba growls.

"Maybe a couple weeks ago."

"Could you be more specific?" Shino asks, watching two bugs mate in his hand.

"Like three or four weeks ago."

"Was she with anyone?" Sakura hysterically asks, staring in anticipation as the man crushed her.

"No. Her pimp must have left her because she looked quite scared."

"HER PIMP??" We all question in unison.

"Yeah. Is she not a prostitute of some sort? Maybe a hooker? Or escort?"

"Hell no!" Kiba exclaims ready to pounce on the man.

"Why would you think that?" Shino again with another question as his bugs are still wrestling in his hands.

"The way she was dressed."

"How was she dressed?" I ask fully invested in what this man has to say.

"She wore no shirt." All our eyes widen once again at the absurd ideologies this man spoke of. "Just titties everywhere being held together by her skinny arms. Not to mention those torn daisy dukes she had on. When I tried to talk to her she shied away, but when I tried to touch her she went all Kung Fu Panda on me and her eyes became scary with long veins. She knocked my sorry ass out after that. When I woke up it was dark and she was gone." Now I was mad.

"What else happened?"

"Nothing" he said, getting up from the table. I caught his wrist before he could leave and began twisting it.

"What else happened?" I ask again.

"AHHHH! Nothing man! Chill!" he says in agony. But I don't let go, I keep twisting. It doesn't make sense. Why was she all the way out here naked? Why was she alone? If she was alone, why not come back to the village? To me? Why were her close torn? What was she waiting on? He has to know more than he is letting on.

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know man. I swear! AHHH! You're gonna break my arm!"

"Naruto." she touches my shoulder. "Calm down. Let go." I take a deep breath and release him.

"Lets go" I snarl leaving the bar and through the town gates. Outside the gates we gather where we found Hinata's shorts.

"Akamaru and I will try to sniff out any trail if Hina's smell and Shino's bugs will look for any more clues around." We blindly follow Akamaru and Kiba relying on their nose.


It was almost three hours until Akamaru began barking at a seal on the bottom of the mountain. "You think she's in there?" I ask.

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