Chapter 21

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"Thank you" I say. Izumi hands me a drink to go with dinner. She nods, turning her attention to Isao.

"Do you like the food?"

"Yes Momma" he says with a full mouth. "I know what I want for dessert."

"And what would that be?" I take a sip of the sparkling water as they talk.

"Auntie Hina's cupcakes!" His smile grows as he says her name. Her name. I frown. Why would Izumi give me this bland ass water? I quickly stand on my feet and go to the refrigerator. I grab the Shochu from the bottom of the drawer. Her cupcakes were good. The way she looked making them was even better. I shake the image of Hinata in an apron with her hair up out of my mind and pour two shots into my sparkling water. The image is not quick to go away so I take an additional shot to the head before returning to the table with my cup. This is my 6th cup today and probably my last.

" We all miss her sweetie. You'll see her again!" Izumi assuringly patted his head.

"No" I plopped down in my seat. " She is not coming back." I say clearing the air. I take a big gulp of my drink to avoid Izumi's intense stare. Why lie to the boy? Give his hopes up for no reason. She will never be in our lives again. Better he knows that now.

"Isao go get ready for a bath."

"But I'm not done eating" her gaze shifted from me to Isao causing him to rise in a scurry to get ready for a bath.

"Not now Izumi." I know exactly what and who she wants to talk about.

"If not now, then when?" she replies. I smack my lips noticing my drink was gone. I stood from the table and proceeded to the kitchen for another round. "Huh? Sasuke? You can't keep blowing this off!" She follows me to the fridge. I ignore her, trying to find the bottle. "You're just gonna keep drinking your problems away?"

"You're out of sake." I say as I pour the last drop into my cup. I push past her and make my way to the balcony. Her new place looks over a pond about a half mile away. It's not nearly as big as the lake from the cottage, but the tree that sits next to this pond is way bigger. Hinata would love it.

"Stop running" I sigh at her persistence.

"I'm not." It just has to be this way.

"Yes you are. You run from everything. You ran from your home, from friendship, from the truth, and now from love." I scoff at her statement. "I'm sure if Isao was not here, you would be running for me too." She was right. If it wasn't for him, I would be out finishing what I started. I never really liked Izumi. She is sweet, smart, and compassionate. I hate that he kept her alive. I never understood how he could kill our mother, our father, cousins, auntie's, and uncles, and yet love her enough to keep her alive and hidden. He was selfish. We needed our parents, I needed my parents. Although I hate what he did for her, I don't hate her. I can't. She gave life to my nephew and I am the only reason Itachi is not here to see it. I took from Isao what Itachi took from me. This time will be different. I want Isao to know I love him rather than make him hate me.

"I'm not running from anything." I say with more bass in my voice to get it through your thick skull.

"Then what do you call it?"

"Destiny" I scream at her. I looked back to the pond trying to calm down. "Look Izumi, The way things played out, it was for the best. I didn't deserve her for the months we spent together, and I sure as hell don't deserve her for any longer. I wasn't good enough for her and now I don't have her. Seems right to me." I'll take a big gulp of my sake. "Pigs have stopped flying, hell has unfrozen, and the world is right again."

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