Chapter 24

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I never thought I would see Naruto like this; drunk, snoring, and drooling on my carpet. He stumbled into the compound late this night, hollering my name. Father let him come to my room since we are now engaged. He busted in, demanding we need to talk about something serious. I was really worried he would bring up Sasuke. Naruto isn't stupid, it was only a matter of time before he found out. I was ready to reassure him that Sasuke doesn't matter. "Ramen prices went up 30 cents in the time you were gone, Hinata!" he shouted in the middle of my room, staring at the ceiling. His face was flushed, and his stance was wobbly. I furrow my brows and tilt my head to the side, staring at my bright haired fiancé.

"Are you drunk?"

"No" he grins. "Maybe" he giggles before continuing. "I miss you" he whines, taking a step toward me with his arms out as if he was about to hug me. And I stand up from my bed, waiting for his embrace. His other foot follows, dragging on the floor before he trips over my bunny slippers, and lands face down.

"Naruto!" I gasp. I collapsed to the floor, ready to help him up. I freeze as a gentle snoring escapes his lips. I roll my eyes and leave the room to get three bottles of water. Two for him and one for me. I rolled him on his side, and placed the bottles of water next to him. I cover him with a blanket before leaving him on the floor to snuggle up in my bed.


I jump up to a commotion in my bathroom. My bathroom is connected to my bedroom. I open the door to see Naruto scrambling in a towel. My shower rack was now scattered on the floor and Naruto was picking up my wash items off the floor.   "Sorry" he grins.

"I will have someone fetch you fresh clothes" I slam the door blushing. I would help him, but he was shirtless and dripping wet. The old me would have fainted at the site. He came out fully clothed and dry. He was drying his hair with a towel as he sat next to me on my bed.

"Sorry about last night... and just now in your shower" I giggle.

"It's fine."

"I came over to ask you a question." I glance into his deep blue eyes, and nod for him to continue. "Do you love me?" The small smile on my face faded quickly. My eyes widen, slightly staring in his deep pools that demand the truth. I do love Naruto, as a friend. But I know that's not what he means. I have loved Naruto for so long that I am not quite sure when that love depleted. I never lost that love, it just wasn't for Naruto anymore. That kind of love has taken a new face, but the face does not love me.

I poured out my soul to Sasuke at the trading ground, and he never acknowledged my feelings or the baby. I unconsciously touch my belly. He seemed so adamant about the baby, but once I told him it was gone, it's like he didn't care. He just tried to flirt as if I didn't just confess the loss of our baby. Is he delusional? I thought we would have made everything right by now. I can't continue to love someone like him.

"What did he do to you?" I almost forgot Naruto was right here.

"Who" I questioned, although we both knew who he was talking about. What a dumb thing to say. "I mean nothing bad" I say, looking down, twiddling my fingers.

"Nothing bad?" He questioned "What happened between you two outside the village?" I can't tell Naruto what we did. No one can know what happened or how I feel towards Sasuke. It is in the past, and I was stupid to think he felt something for me. My leg begins to shake as I regret giving myself to him. How can I make such a huge mistake? I have to make it right. " I know something happened." he says, grabbing my leg right above my knee, causing it to stop bouncing. "What did he do to you?" he said intently. I looked into his eyes, ready to tell him what happened.

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