8: Messy Day

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The 2 littles are currently finger painting. Jimin is painting some stars, and Jungkook is painting triangles.

"Why tiegles?" Jimin asked.

"Shapes! Dey are pwetty!" Jungkook responded.

Jimin nodded his head agreeing and started painting shapes as well.

"Hey bubs! What are you Princes doing?" Hoseok asked.

"Finger paint!" Jungkook yelled, and with the green paint on his fingers, he painted on Hoseok's face. The littles laughed and so did Namjoon who entered at the right time.

"Seokie greenie!" Jimin said.

"Yes, Seokie has green on his face."

And Hoseok, being myschivious, put blue paint on his fingers and poked the two littles cheeks. Jungkook pouted, wanting to have purple on his face instead of green.

"Seokie!" Jungkook whined. "Me a smurf nows!"

"Namjoon banana!" Jimin yelled, and Jungkook watched as the other Little covered his hand in yellow paint and put a hand print on Namjoons face Making Kook laugh.

As funny as it was, Seokjin entered the room and gasped.

"It's messy now! The room has paint on the floor!"

"Sowwy Jinnie!" The two littles said in ursine.

Seokjin sighed, knowing it's not the littles fault.

"It's alright. How about you go with Seokie and Joonie to wash up?"

The littles nod and the 4 of them left to go wash up.

"I'll help you hyung." Yoongi said.


Jimin was thirsty. His daddy's were busy, so he thought he can get himself some juice by himself. After all, he is a big boy. Dragging a chair, he carefully climbed on it to open a cub board door. Inside had sippy cups. Jimin grinned as he picked out Kumamon that reminded him of his daddy Yoongi.

"Kookie want sippy to!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Which sippy?" Jimin asked.


Jimin giggled and got the pink princess cup for Jungkook. Jimin climbed down after he closed the door and put the chair back under the table. He went to the fridge and looked inside; strawberry milk, water, orange and apple juice. Jimin licked his lips, grabbing the apple juice with both hands and walking back to the counter. He opened the lid to both containers and started pouring the apple juice in the kumamon sippy cup and then the princess sippy cup. The juice went everywhere as Jimin continued to pour, trying to put it in the cup. Eventually the cup overfilled and more juice got on Jimin, the counter and the floor. Satisfied, Jimin closed both lids best to his abilities and put the apple juice in the fridge. Jimin grinned big, happy he poured juice by himself. He gave Jungkook his sippy cup.

"Thankies." Jungkook said.

Jimin grabbed his cup with both hands, tilted his head back with the sippy in his mouth, the lid fell off and the juice poured all over Jimin, Same with Jungkook. Jungkook whined and started to cry as Jimin dropped his sippy cup and started to cry too, earning attention from one of his daddy's, who was looking for him.

"Hey baby! What's wrong?! No more crying, daddy's here." Yoongi said and picked up Jimin and ruffled Jungkook's hair. He noticed Jimin's shirt was wet and the place smelt of juice.

"Did baby boy want some juice?"

Jimin nodded.

"Awe baby it's okay. Let's go get you cleaned up and then you have juice alright?" He looked at Jungkook carefully, and noticed the same thing happened to him.

"I'll clean it." Jin said, and sighed.


Both Littles were sleeping now as it was night time. Everyone had dinner and it is now 9:00pm. The caregivers were in the living room as the Littles slept.

"Jeez. Today was such a messy day!" Seokjin said and Hoseok nodded his head agreeing.

"We all have days like that though." Yoongi commented.

"Plus it wasn't on purpose either." Taehyung added in and Namjoon nodded.

"Maybe we should go over the rules with Jimin and Jungkook again about messes. I don't want every day to be like today." Jin said.

"Good idea." Yoongi agreed.

"But we all have different rules with the Littles though." Taehyung mentioned.

"Gah, true."

"How about we combine our rules together so it will be easier for the Littles to remember?" Namjoon suggests and everyone nodded their heads.

"So now hopefully when we do that, there will be less messes." Hoseok said.

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