16: Quarantine pt. 2

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Yes, an update yay! Also, I'm sorry for the slow updates. I have been starting to get busy as I am doing adult learning 3 days a week. I can never pick a day and time to just write, I write when I want too lol so here we are! I hope you enjoy! -Max


Jungkook was laying on his tummy, trying to figure out how the pieces go together. His daddy said that puzzles are fun, but Kookie thought it was hard.

"Hey Minnie, wanna help Kookie do a puzzle?" Taehyung asked.

Minnie looked away from the window and looked over at Jungkook who looked up staring at Minnie.


Kookie grinned. His brother was going to help and play with him! He was excited. He giggled when Minnie layed beside him, and together they tried to do the puzzle.


"All done! Good job little ones! Do you want a snack?" Taehyung asked, and the little nodded happily, and ran into the kitchen and sat at the dinning room table.

Taehyung cut up some fruit into shapes, put the same amount on each plate. Some watermelon, strawberries, and grapes. He put water in each of the sippy cups and gave the littles the cups and the plate of fruit.

"Thankies daddy!" Kookie said, and started to eat the fruit right away.

"Yucky, no want" Minnie said, being stubborn. "Want cookie"

"If you each eat the fruit, you each can get 1 cookie. How does that sound?" Taehyung compromised.

"Otays" Minnie said, and started to eat the fruit. Kookie ate his fruit too, now also excited to get a cookie.

"Taehyung, how'd you do that? He's eating fruit!" Jhope whispered to V.

"I promised a cookie after." He grinned.

"Of course you did"


Jungkook woke up and rubbed his eyes with his fists.

"Kookie had good naps" he looked around for Minnie. "Minnie?"

He got off the bed and went to find Jimin. He found him in the living room, and he saw his blocks off to the side. Kookie grinned and grabbed the box and dumped the out beside Jiminie.

"Minnie! Wan pway wif bwocks?!" Jungkook asked, and sat down beside his brother.

"No! That's baby stuff! I no baby!"

Kookie frowned. Minnie didn't want to play with him.

"K-kookie not baby efer! (Either)"

"Yeah you are! Go pway with your daddy little baby! Too noisy!" Jimin huffed and turned away to watch tv. Kookie started to cry. He didn't like being called a baby, he just wanted to play with his brother.

"Jiminie, that wasn't nice." Taehyung said, scolding him a bit and picked Jungkook up, who clung onto him, hiding his face into Taehyung's neck.

"Minnie, apologize to Kookie right now!" Hoseok said.

"Shush up! I watch tv!"

Yoongi got up and grabbed Jimin from under his arms. The little started squirming and screaming to be let go. Jungkookie closed his eyes tightly. His brother was screaming and kicking and it was sacrying him.

"It's alright baby, daddy's got you" Taehyung reassured. Truth be told, Taehyung was also a bit nervous. Jimin has never acted that way before.

"Hey Jungkookie! Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked his baby.

"Movie?! Jungkookie gasped, now excited.

"Yes a movie"

Kookie bounced in Taehyung's arms, excited to watch a movie.

"I'll take that as a yes" the caregiver said and placed Jungkookie on the ground and put on a movie.


The members chipped in money and bought a backyard playground for the littles to play on outside. Yes, they have an indoor play room. But that isn't enough. They also need to go outside as well. The members really loved Hoseok's idea; getting a play set. It's easy to go too and when Jimin is in a bigger headspace like today, he could go outside himself (with the caregivers looking out once a while).

"Alright little ones! Go look outside!" Seokjin exclaimed while the 2 littles ran into the back yard.

Jungkookie giggled and clapped from excitement

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Jungkookie giggled and clapped from excitement.

"Swings!" Jiminie shouted.

"Slidey!" Kookie also shouted. The Littles both ran to their favourites and played. Kookie on the slide, and Minnie on the swing.

"Worth it?" Taehyung asked while smiling.

"Worth it" the others said, while watching the littles play.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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