11: minnie's grumpy day made kookie sad

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Jungkook woke up and turned over to face his daddy.

"Daddy!" The little yelled, shaking him.

"Oh, morning baby." Taehyung said and smiled tiredly.


Taehyung sniffed. Yes, someone was indeed making yes.

"Yes baby."

Jungkook gasped and ran out of bed and into the kitchen.

"Jinnie! Makin' eggies?"

Seokjin smiled and nodded.

"Yes I am. Why don't you play in the living room? I think Joonie is there, ask him to put on cartoons."

The little squeaked and ran into the living room. And yes, there was Namjoon on his phone and watching some old borning show on tv.

"Joonie? Kookie watch cartoons?"

Namjoon looked up and smiled and Jungkook poked Namjoon's dimples, making him laugh.

"Of course you can!" Namjoon said and grabbed the remote and put on cartoons.

Jungkook smiled and went over to the toy bin. He saw one of his favourites; trains. He grabbed them and laid on his tummy and made choo choo noises and of course, looked up at the tv to see what happened to Chuggington.

Minnie stomped his way into the living room. Namjoon, noticing him not in a good mood, looked at him. Chim sat on the floor beside Kookie and took the red train that Kookie was playing with.

"Hey! Me wush pwaying wif dat!" Jungkook yelled.

Jimin stuck his tongue out at Jungkook, and layed on his tummy and made choo choo noises.

Jungkook was upset. He was playing with his favourite train and Jimin took it from him. His lip began to wobble and he began to cry.

Taehyung walked into the room right when Jungkook began to cry, alerting him something happened. Tae made his way over to the two Littles and Jungkook made grabby hands towards his daddy. Taehyung picked him up and held him close and he continued to cry.

"Jiminie, why is Kookie crying mhm?" Tae asked Jimin, who continued to make choo choo sounds, and didn't notice Namjoon was there.

"Minnie taked Kookies twain!" Jungkook said in between sobs, and started crying harder, wanting to play with his toy train more.

"Minnie, is that true?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin shook his head.

"Jungkookie it's not okay to lie about things." Taehyung started scolding the little, making him cry harder as he done nothing wrong.

"Taehyung! He's not lying. I saw." Namjoon said and ruffled Jungkook's hair. Taehyung instantly felt bad.

"Awe baby I'm sorry. Will you forgive daddy?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.

"Onwy if Kookie gets kissy!"

So Taehyung gave Jungkook a kiss and carried Jungkook into the changing room.

"What do you wanna wear today Kookie?"

Jungkook looked through the outfits and chose one.

After Taehyung changed Jungkook, Jimin ran inside

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After Taehyung changed Jungkook, Jimin ran inside.

"Jungkookie Minnie sowwy fow takin your toy twain!"

"Ish otays Minnie! Minnie wanna pway wif twins wif Kookie?!"

Jimin nodded his head, and the two little ran off holding hands and began to play with trains again.


"Alright little ones, nap time!" Seokjin said after wiping Jungkook's face that had food on it from falling asleep.

"Thanks Jin" Taehyung said and lifted the tired little in his arms.

Taehyung tucked Jungkook into bed, giving him his favourite stuffie.

"Night baby boy, have a good nap"

He kissed his forehead and Jungkook subconsciously smiled in his sleep.

Little Kook {{Vkook}} *slow updates*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu