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Adelaide stood and carefully wrapped the letters. Everard's she carefully placed in her pocket. With the other hand, she stepped out of her room. She began to make her way to Matilda's bedroom, avoiding the eyes of servants all around. Spies everywhere.

She knocked on Matilda's door. A moment later, Matilda opened it herself. Behind her, clothing and other belongings spilled all over the floor. A distraught servant ran back and forth trying her best to tidy up.

"Oh, Adelaide! What can I do for you?"

"I--was hoping I could talk to you."

"Oh. Well, I'll take the distraction. I'm afraid I've made a mess of things." She jerked her thumb back toward the room. "How about we talk out here."

"No, it's fine. I just wanted to give you this." Adelaide held out the letter and fled.

Two servants stood outside her door, ready to take her trunk. Adelaide let them in and watched them leave with her trunk.

Breakfast was called and she hurried down to the dining room. She sat down next to Metze, who was busy heaping up food in front of her. Katharin and Everard sat next to each other close to Pfalzgraf and Pfalzgrafin Kafistania. Ava and Matilda were placed close to them. The sisters stared down at their plates. Adelaide took a seat between Herzog Brunheim and Herzog Gadonheim. Several other nobles were seated around the table, while those of lower rank occupied another table. At the front of the room was a large, decorous table.

Trumpets sounded and everyone rose to greet the Kaiser and his family. He made his way to his seat and sat down. Everyone else followed suit and the food began to be brought out.

"You were such a beautiful bride last night!" Herzog Gadonheim said, fixing his spectacles and eyeing the food.

"I--I wasn't a bride, sir."

"But you were picked by the Herzog."

"Actually, I wasn't sir. The Markgraf Everard chose Katharin."

"Of course he did." He grabbed a leg of chicken. "The wedding's to be in a month and then the nuptials." He winked. "You're not too far away from that yourself."

"Oh, doesn't that pig look absolutely marvelous!" Herzog Brunheim saved Adelaide from the awkward conversation. She sent him a grateful look and he winked back at her.

"My, my, my, my, my. Mmm-mm. It does look lovely." Herzog Gadonheim's plate was quickly filled and he was soon more interested in his food than conversation.

Adelaide finished quickly and waited for everyone else to finish. When the Kaiser finished, everyone else laid down their own utensils. The Kaiser stood and everyone else followed suit. He bowed and walked out. His family trailed after him. Everyone else dismissed themselves after him.

"Adelaide!" Everard arrested her attention. "Are you leaving today?"

"Yes, any minute now. Hello, Katharin."

"I suppose I should say goodbye, then. I'm glad to have gotten to know you. Thank you for--well, you know what."

Adelaide smiled and nodded. "Of course." She pulled the letter out of her pocket and handed it to him. "This is for you to read at your leisure."

"Thank you, Adelaide," Katharin hugged her. "For everything."

"Don't mention it. It was my pleasure."

Adelaide watched them leave, then tracked down Metze. She said goodbye to everyone else, then approached the Kaiser in the library.

"Ah! Pfalzgrafin! A pleasure to see you again."

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