2. "It must be magic!"

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They all gather in the one room, maleficent still talking, of course. "You will go. You will find fairy godmother and you will bring back the magic wand. Easy peasy" She explains, directed at mal but the rest of the children listen.  "What is in it for us?" Mal challenges. "Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns." Maleficent lists. "Um I.. I think she meant us" Carlos steps in. Quinn just watches, she wouldn't dare stand up to maleficent. Maleficent waves the boy off, turning back to her daughter. "It's all about you and me baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" She asks. All the children in the room scoff. "Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn't?" Mal says.  "Well, then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my sceptre, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Maleficent exclaims. "Our will!" The queen of hearts buts in. Quinn smiles at her mother, she was not afraid to stand up to her, unlike her daughter. "Our will, our will" She waves the queen off and turns back to her daughter. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your lives, missy" She says and The queen of hearts nods along with her. Mals eyes widen.  "What...mom..." She says. Maleficent and Mal have a staring contest, only making Quinn grow more bored. "Fine. Whatever." mal mutters. 

"Evie my little evil-lett in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing." Evie sits down in front of her mother and her smile grows at the thought.  "And lots and lots of mirrors" They say in unison, like mother like daughter. Evie laughs but immediately stops when commanded. 

Cruella informs her son of the presence of dogs in auradon and he is immediately turned away from the idea of leaving. Quinn rolls her eyes, the idea of a new home doesn't sound all too bad. Jay reveals his new steals to his father as The queen and princess of hearts watch in amusement. "What would I do without my little Quinn M?" The queen turns to the woman. "You'll be fine, She's going to get the wand so you can take back Neverland-or is it wonderland" Maleficent teases and Quinn giggles. The queen of hearts glared at her. "Only if she wants to" The queen turns to her daughter. "I mean, it doesnt sound all too bad, a castle, princes, crowns" Quinn gushes. "Oh fine, if you promise to get the wand" She instructs. Quinn rolls her eyes but nods. 

Now it was time for them to give out useful things. "E.Q, give her your mirror" Maleficent instructs. The evil queen hands her daughter the mirror, much to evies delight. "Hearts, give her the necklace" She says. The queen of hearts was already ahead and pulled out a necklace. It was a simple heart but Quinn assumed it was much more than that. "It doesn't work here, but it'll help you perform magic in auradon" She places the necklace around her daughters neck and Quinn smiles. She'd always admired it growing up, now she had it. Maleficent hands mal her spell book and the purple haired girls eyes light up. "And now you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you. Door." She commands and Queen of hearts opens it. 

"Help mal get the wand, find a prince, get a castle and a crown, find hatters, cats, and Alices children, break their hearts, Simples" The queen lists. Quinn nods with each one said. "But have fun" She smiles at her daughter. Quinn gives her mother a hug, surprising her but she hugs her back. "now run along" she waves the princess off. "Wait can you tell Chelsea something?" Quinn suddenly remembers her best friend. The queen of hearts hands her daughter paper. Quinn smiles in gratitude, write a note and seals it. "bye" and with that, she ran down to join her friends. 

Someone opens the car door and Jay gestures for Quinn to get in before him. "Ladies first" he says. Quinn rolls her eyes and giggles. Carlos pushes past the pair and dives into the car. "Carlos is more of a lady than me now" She laughs, sliding in followed by Jay. "I mean..." 

Evie turns to mal and says "You're looking a little washed out. Let me help you out" Quinn laughs. As if mal would let evie do her makeup. "Ew no, i'm plotting" Mal turns to look of the window. "Q, let me do your makeup" Evie says. "Sure" the blonde rolls her eyes and allows evie to add even more blush onto her face. Carlos and Jay discuss the sweets whilst the girls do makeup, Mal doesn't fall into any category, shes "plotting." 

"look!" Evie screams, pointing to the window. "Its a trap" Carlos says. Quinn leans into the person closest to her, Jay and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. They all brace themselves, expecting to hit water. But they didn't... "What just happened?" Carlos sits up and looks out  the window. "It must be magic!" Quinn exclaims. This just made the idea of coming to Auradon even more exciting.

Mal turns to the driver and holds up a remote she found. "Hey, Did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" She asks. The driver laughs slightly. "No, this one opens the magic barrier. That one opens my garage. And this button..." Hs says and a black screen slides up. It separates them from him. "Okay, nasty" Mal turns back, a smile on her face. "I like that guy" Quinn adds and Mal nods. 

"Hey try this" Jay nudges Quinn and hands her a sweet. "Why?" She narrows her eyes at him. He was  one of her longest friends and she knew him well enough not to trust him on this. "Because it's nice" he says, popping one into his mouth. Hesitantly, she eats it. Surprised it was nice, she smiles. "Pass the bag" She says. Jay looks at her in confusion but hands her it. She smirks and places it in her bag. "I don't share" she smiles, before turning her attention to evie. Quinn was an only child and it showed. 

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