Chapter 35: Just Like Yesterday

Start from the beginning

"Sasuke?" she prompted again.

She sounded much too close now. I was just about to round the corner and stop things before they went too far but Sasuke beat me to it.

"Hey, um, I'm actually waiting for someone...and, um, she'll be here any second now-" Sasuke started.

"It's Elvira, isn't it" I jumped at the mention of my name.

It was spoken so vehemently that I almost thought she was cursing. But at that instant, I knew who it was without having to peek around the corner and look.

"Uh..." Sasuke didn't answer her.

She sighed, "'s fine...I get it" she sniffled, "I...I guess I'll see you around, Sasuke" then there was the sound of footsteps again but thankfully, they were heading away from me towards the back of the school, the exit closest to the cafeteria.

I breathed out heavily with relief, now I wouldn't have to bolt and hide before someone saw me. Even though Hana was long gone, I didn't turn the corner immediately to meet with Sasuke. What I had heard had caught me off guard. I didn't expect Hana to have this kind of a relationship with Sasuke. I knew that they were diaper buddies but from the sound of Sasuke's voice and the tension that could be heard in their seemed to be a little more than just an innocent baby bond. I'd have to look into it but first things first, I shouldn't keep Sasuke waiting much longer or he might think that I've stood him up. I trudged around the corner, waving cheerfully.

"Hey!" I called.

His face immediately lit up in a smile as he saw me from what evidently was a deep frown just moments before.

"Hey, what took you?" he asked as he met me halfway.

I shrugged, "I was just...getting some stuff cleared up" I said, not wanting to hint too much.

We sat on a bench that we cleared of snow and began to chat, eating at the same time. The whole time, I had the impulse to ask him out right what his relationship with Hana was but I knew that it would give away some if not all of my intentions. I would have to bide my time and collect information inconspicuously. It would be a hard task but it had to be done. I had to know if Sasuke and Hana shared some sort of important history together. If I just let this go, all my efforts could go to complete waste. As one end of a baby bond, I knew how close you could grow to a person in that kind of relationship where you spent almost every possible waking hour with them. It really left its mark. I ran over their conversation in my head several times, trying to pick out any details that might clue me in on something. But it was all together pretty general information. Only two pieces really caught my attention. The mention of Gaara and a rice cracker shop. Well, guess who I'm asking first...

"Hey, earth to Vira" Sasuke waved his hand in front of my face, "You in there?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

I jolted out of my reverie, "Oh, yeah...sorry. I got a little caught up thinking about What did you say?" I motioned for him to keep talking.

"Oh, okay, well, I was just thinking that maybe we could..." I let him continue.

My plan was already set and ready for execution. I'd get to the bottom of this even if was the last thing I did.

At lunch, I had declined Sasuke's offer of another Call of Duty rematch after school saying that I had a lot of homework to do. It was true. I did have a lot of homework to do, just not the type that he was thinking about. I exited the building before him but quickly ducked to the side and made a dash for the west entrance. Before I could do anything, I had to hunt down Gaara before Liz found him, otherwise, she would ask me too many questions or basing her knowledge upon the questions I was about to ask Gaara, figure what I was plotting. She did that sometimes, the only downside to her being such a bright many more ways than just one. I slipped back into the school and looked in the direction of the main stairs. Gaara's locker was a floor higher than Liz and I's, with Sasuke. Usually, he would wait for Liz outside. After a few more minutes, the familiar, fluffy red hair came into view.

Ugh, I thought with a sigh, How much slower can you walk?

He was taking his time alright. But thankfully, Liz was no where in sight yet.

As Gaara rounded the corner into the short hallway of the exit, I greeted him brightly, "Hey, Gaara!" I nearly gave him a heart attack.

"God damn, Elvira! What are you doing?" he asked, breathing out to calm his nerves.

I chuckled, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but I just wanted your advice for some stuff" I said, trying to sound as aimless as possible.

He couldn't know that I was trying to plan something or he'd rat me out to Sasuke in a heartbeat.

"Advice? 'Bout what?" he raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

I shrugged, "I dunno, I was just wondering about a good snack shop to go to after school..." I said in a nonchalant voice.

He narrowed his eyes, "Um, you know plenty, why are you asking me?".

I cursed inwardly to myself, Crap! Think, Vira, think!

I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut and tensed my muscles as if I were trying to pop my ears. A few seconds later, I looked up and I could feel that my face was effectively hot and most likely red.

I averted my gaze slightly, "Um...well, I was, um...planning, take...a friend...somewhere...perhaps" I said, playing with a piece of my hair and refusing to meet his stare as if I were shy or embarrassed about something.

It seemed to do the trick.

"Oh. Oh!" he said with realization.

I flicked him a furtive glance, then moved my hands to the bottom of my shirt and started kneading the fabric as if uncomfortable.

He cleared his throat, "Well, um, do you have any ideas about what kind of food you plan to eat?" he said, now a bit awkward and jumpy.

I pretended to think for a bit, then shrugged, "I dunno, I think he, rice crackers...?" I said suggestively then checked his expression for a response.

His eyes seemed to brighten a bit. He took out a piece of paper and a pencil and turned around to scribble on it for a few seconds. Then he handed the piece of paper to me with a name and address on it.

He smiled, "Trust me, it doesn't get any better than this".

I beamed at him, "Thanks, Gaara! I really appreciate it!".

He nodded, "Bring me back one if you decide to go in the end" he looked like a child, his eyes round as if he were begging for a new toy.

I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, sure!".

I started to leave but then screeched to a stop, Almost forgot.

"Oh, Gaara!" I called out again, turning around to face him.


I put my index finger to my lips and formed a pleading expression with my face.

"Sure thing" he nodded with understanding.

"Thanks!" I offered him one more smile before exiting the school as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, I surprised myself with my amazing acting skills. I could've had myself fooled! Poor Gaara, he didn't even know what my real motive was. I was currently feeling kind of bad for what I did but I was not going to stop when I'd finally gotten so far. Now, of course, I couldn't be absolutely sure that this was the same rice cracker shop that Hana had been trying to bring up with Sasuke, but I didn't have any better guesses, so I might as well just scope it out.

I took out my cell and texted Liz, I'll be back home a few hours late. Running some errands.

I slipped my cell back into my pocket and sped off of school grounds before Liz could come racing after me. It was about time that I get to the bottom of this.

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