- lxxi - new romantic(hicken diggity)s

Start from the beginning


“Meself. And you want to know about my skin?” he asks and Zayn cockily smiles. “I got that from my mom.”

“You don’t sound so sure,” Zayn says.

“Does kissing people make you this awkward?” Niall asks. “It’s not divine Zayn.”

Zayn raises his head to Niall’s orbs. “It’s hard for me, okay? I’ve been reading verses and chapters from the Bible about homosexuality, which surprisingly, there aren’t many, and I study them day and night and continue studying them to make sense of everything that’s happening now. Between you and me.”

“And what have you learnt?” Niall asks.

“That God still loves me,” Zayn says, beaming widely. “I thought He didn’t but He does. Truthfully, God does not hate the gays or lesbians but the sin itself.”

“So the moment you act on it then God doesn’t like you,” Niall says. Zayn bites the inside of his cheek, his gaze shifting around the room. Niall walks towards him and takes hold of his hand, entwining their fingers. “You’re getting frown lines.”

“I’m not,” Zayn disagrees, looking deep into the crooked lines in Niall’s pupils. The look like cracks on a wall in a grunge-y way and they are stunning.

“Stop thinking too much about it. I know how you feel Zayn. I know that the kiss was a mistake. You didn’t mean to kiss me but I understand.”

“I kissed you twice,” Zayn points out. He could have kissed Niall once but no, he had to do it twice. He felt like a cliché blub when he thinks that Niall’s lips are addictive but that was the thing, they are addictive.


“I’m turning out to be like Liam,” he whispers.

Niall shakes his head. “No you’re not. You’re becoming stronger and stronger and I think this is God testing you because He knows that you’ll overcome this. He gives us nothing that is beyond our strength”

“But it’s taking all of me to walk away from you.”

Niall strokes the Mexican’s soft cheek. “Zayn.”

“You get to live your life being free and I have to stop this…feeling inside of me from getting any stronger until I can’t control it. I’m going to…”

“Don’t do this to yourself,” Niall tells him softly. He lays his chin on his shoulder, Zayn’s head buried deep into Niall. Niall wraps his arm around his body tightly, his fingers softly massaging his back.

“I want to be free,” Zayn pleads softly. “I don’t want to be chained.”

“You don’t choose who you fall in love with but you can choose if you want to love them or let them go,” says Niall in a warning tone. “Let me go Zayn and don’t look back. Don’t you dare look back and you will save yourself a lot of heartache and heartbreak.”

Niall can feel the crinkles on Zayn’s mouth curling upwards. “It would be an honor to get my heart broken by you Nini.”

“No it wouldn’t,” Niall shakes his head slightly.


“You have a fiancée back at home,” Niall points out.


“Because we’d be perfect together,” Niall heartedly says. “Better than Larry Stylinson.”

“Or Bonnie and Clyde.”

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