Chapter 15 : The Book

Comenzar desde el principio

I was on my way to Jace (who might I add, was drawing some attention with the way he looks while leaning on his car like that) before I stopped dead on my tracks. The book.

"Give me a minute! I forgot something!" I yelled out to him before running towards the direction of the library, zig zaging my way through people, making them look at me weirdly.

I opened the doors to the library and saw the librarian was still there, "Hi, can I still borrow a book?" I asked politely while trying to catch my breath. She smiled at me and said "Yes, be quick though, we're closing soon." I smiled at the news and said thanks before rushing to the shelf where the book was.

And there it was. Still sitting there in the dust between 2 other dusty books. I bent down and took it from the shelf, dusting it off before going towards the librarian and giving her the book and my ID card to be scanned.

"Oh? How did you even find this darling?" She asked curiously while scanning it.

"Oh, I accidentally came across it. It was just sitting in the shelf on the furthest back." I said while pointing to the shelf where I had originally found the book.

She nodded, smiled and said "Enjoy reading it then hun." I took my book and ID card and thanked her before walking out of the library and back towards where Jace was still waiting for me.

"You got what you need?" He asked while opening the door for me. "Yeah, I did. Thanks." I said while getting in and gave him a small smile. He smiled back at me and nodded before closing the door and making his way towards his side of the car and getting in.

He zoomed past the school's gates and proceeded to take the road that takes me home. I looked down at the book on my lap and read the title "The Tale of the Dragon Kingdom." Well, this is going to be a a good read.

"Whatcha got there?" Jace asked glancing over the book on my lap. I looked over to him while putting the book inside my bag.

"Just a book I found in the library. I'm gonna read it later when I get the chance." I said leaning back on my seat.

"Oh? What's it about? Some cheesy romance bullshit you always like?" He asked while snickering, making me smack his arm.

"I dunno really.." I said blinking like an idiot. "I was just kinda drawn to it. I'll tell you when I start reading it. I think it's a story about a dragon kingdom or something." I continued.

"The Tale of the Dragon Kingdom." Suddenly Jace said, making me whip my head to him. "Wait you know the book? Then why'd you ask?" Frowning at him.

"It's the only dragon book that the Were Kingdom has. It's pretty much a legend though. Dragons went extinct a long time ago." He said casually.

The hell? My jaws dropped at the thought, DRAGONS EXISTED???

"Whatcha mean they went extinct? I mean, I didn't even know they existed in the first place." I turned towards him. Interested at what he's about to say.

"Of course they existed silly, their Kingdom was known to be the Kingdom of the skies. Beautiful creatures that exerted so much power and dominance. They were hunted down because of their scales, it was made of pure gold. Slowly their numbers started decreasing until one day, they just...disappeared." He sighed out.

I sat there in silence, no words left my mouth because there wasn't much I could say. An entire Kingdom wiped out because of the greeds of others. What has the world come to?

"Anyways here we are. Start packing your bags though, the King's gonna be back soon. And as soon as he get's here, I'm pretty sure he's dragging your ass to the Palace." He said giving me "you've done it now" look, making me roll my eyes at him.

"I haven't even told my parents yet. They won't agree to this you know." I said opening the door.

"Aight, bet. You're the future Queen of this Kingdom, they're not gonna go against the Kings words." He answered smartly.

I growled a little at him, knowing his words are most likely true and closed the car door. I walked towards my house and gave Jace a small wave before entering it. I took off my shoes and saw my mom asleep on the couch. I walked up to her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek, making her stir.

"Hi mommy, I'm home." I whispered so that I don't scare her. She softly replied with an okay and went back to her nap.

Welp...guess I gotta start packing my bags now.
It's been months and I hate myself for doing this to you guys 🥺
How are you lovelies, the Pandemic is being a bitch to me right now, so I'm quarantined in. How are you guys though? I hope everyone is doing healthy and happy ❤️ I missed you guys so so so much.

I know I've been MIA and to make it up to you, I'll be posting everyday for the next 5 days ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for those who are still supporting this book and I love and appreciate all my readers so much.

Don't forget to

I LOVE YOU 3000 and More ❤️❤️❤️

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