Calum was basically the first person.

"I think your voice is very calming," he said and looked at me, smiling.

"Look on the road. Oh my god Calum, are you trying to kill us?"

He chuckled and went back to looking on the road.

After another half an hour of driving and eating at Burger King we finally arrived. It was only 1pm since we got up earlier this morning.

It was weird since I hated waking up early on Sunday's but Kitten was starting to run over our faces and licked Calum's face and sat on mine.

I rung Luke's doorbell and he immediately jumped into my arms when he saw me.

Ashton walked up behind him and greeted us, then we went to his room and all sat down on his bed.

"So you guys are married now?" Calum asked and they both nodded, "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Luke said, playing with his ring.

"Now tell me how it happened. We haven't talked in like two weeks and suddenly you're married. I wanted to be at your wedding, man. Why wasn't I invited?" I asked and pouted.

"No one was invited, it was just us two," Ashton said and Luke nodded.

"Yeah, just us. We still want to get married properly later in our lives with like a big party and yes, you will be invited. But for now we just wanted to do it alone," he explained.

"Where did you do it? Please tell me you did not get married in Vegas."

They both laughed, "No, we considered that but then we would have to spend so much money to get there and all that stuff."

It was so great seeing Luke and talking to him again and I was so happy about him being happy.

It sucked that he lived so far away, I wanted to hang out with him more often but it just didn't work. Not only because of how long the distance was but also because of our jobs. 

"Have you told your parents? I've heard you had some problems with your dad because you're gay," Calum asked with a serious face.

He looked hot when he was serious.

"Well, I've told my mum," Luke started, "My dad really doesn't need to know. He will never accept me and I kind of got used to his harsh words and his cold side. I don't really care about it anymore. I'm just happy that I have Ashton in my life and that's all I really need."

Ashton placed a short but sweet kiss on his cheek and smiled wide.

"Hey, why haven't we talked about Michael opening his own YouTube channel yet?" Luke asked suddenly, "That's so amazing and I really like the concept."

"I saw your first video, too. The one where you talked about people getting judged because of their music taste. What you said was so true, I can only agree," Ashton said and it made me smile.

We stayed until eight and then decided to leave since I had to work tomorrow.

"It was nice seeing you again, we need to talk more often again," Luke said and I nodded, then hugged him and also said good bye to Ashton.

We drove in silence for like half an hour, then Calum stopped at a gas station to fill the tank. We also wanted to buy candy.

We walked through the isles, hand in hand and grabbed some sour Skittles and lots of Oreos. 

And of course some douchebag had to ruin the happy mood.

He fake coughed and in between those coughs you could clearly hear the word 'fags'.

I was used to that but it still hurt, though.

And Calum looked at me with a soft expression but it turned into an angry one in not even a second.

"Excuse me, were you talking to us?" he asked and let go of my hand, walking over to the guy.

"No, I don't talk to people like you. Please leave me alone."

"I know exactly that you meant me and my boyfriend when you used that word."

And god, Calum was angry.

"Just take your thing over there and leave," the other man said, pointing to me and that was where Calum lost it.

"How dare you describe him using the word thing?"

His fists were clenched and he got very close to the man.

"Calum, don't-"

"No Michael, he won't get away that easy. He needs to apologize."

The guy scoffed, "You have to apologize to me because you guys are so disgusting."

Calum started shoving him around and he started shoving back and I was scared. I didn't want them to start a fight.

"I won't apologize for love."

There was no employee around and I panicked as Calum made the first punch.

When the other man started punching Calum's face I tried to get him away. I gripped his arm tightly and pulled him in my arms.

"Now fuck off you bastard before I fucking break every bone in your fucking body," Calum shouted as the guy walked away.

"Calm down, babe. Are you okay?" I asked even though I could see he was not okay. 

We entered the the bathroom in the gas station and I wiped away the blood from Calum's nose with cold water.

His left eyes was already a little bit swollen and I could tell that it's going to be a black eye.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"This fucking asshole described you as a thing, Michael. You are not a thing. You're a wonderful human being with feelings. He has no right to say something like that to you."

"He insulted you, too."

"But that doesn't hurt as much as it hurts when other people hurt you. If it's with words or punches, seeing people treating you bad makes me so mad," he said, looked at me and I smiled.

"God, I fucking love you."

I then pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"I love you, too."

"Can you drive like that? Your eye looks painful."

"Yeah, I can do that."

So we left the gas station and went back to the car, driving home.

And I was so happy when we finally arrived and changed into comfy clothes, then laid down in bed and cuddled and kissed until we fell asleep together.



Thanks to @michaeltattoos for the ideas, I love you!!

Thoughts on Lashton getting secretly married?


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❀ I hope to see all your beautiful faces next chapter ❀

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