28 ➵ People Against Homosexuals

Start from the beginning

I just liked to make him happy, it made me smile.

And as I entered the apartment, seeing Calum sitting on the couch with kitten, I fell in love all over again because this is what I wanted to come home to for the rest of my life.

"Hello babe," I said and he looked at me with wide eyes, then got up from the couch and walked over to me.

"Who got you these?" he asked.

"No one. I bought them myself. They're for you."

"Why? Oh my god, is today some kind of anniversary I missed?"

I laughed a little, "No, I just wanted to see you smile."

He looked at the roses on the counter and then at me, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissed me hard. My hands automatically went to his waist, like they knew that they belonged there.

"Thank you, they are so pretty. I love them," he said after pulling away, then grabbed the roses and put them in a vase.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, my head resting on his shoulders.

"You seem very cuddly today," he chuckled and my heart melted.

"I love you," I whispered, placing a small kiss to his neck, "Can we watch a movie?"

"Of course, I think The Lovely Bones is on today. It's a great movie."

"Okay, I'm just going to change into some sweatpants and come back."

I did as I told and then sat down next to him as the movie started playing. Calum laid his head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, bringing him even closer to me.

About an hour later I got really hungry.



"Can you make me some food?"

"No, do it yourself."

"I'm too lazy."

He sighed deeply, "I swear to god."

"What? Come on, please. I'm starving."

And then he got up while mumbling something probably very offensive under his breath and I just smiled, happy about getting food.

I didn't expect to get a fully cooked meal, though, more like a sandwich but I wasn't complaining. Not at all.

"Fuck, marry me."

Calum looked up from his plate and stared at me with wide eyes and they were shining so bright.

"I -- what?"

And no, asking this wasn't planned at all and it kind of just slipped out but I decided to not play it off as a joke. 

I really wanted him to marry me.

"Marry me."

He pouted. 

"Fucking asshole. I wanted to ask you tomorrow. You ruined everything. I made big plans."

I started laughing but on the inside I was crying because fuck, I just asked the love of my life to marry me and he actually wanted to marry me too and --


"Okay what?"

"Okay, I will marry you," he then said.



And I smiled big and I saw tears in his eyes.

"Oh god, you're not going to be all emotional now and cry, are you?" I asked and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Fuck, I'm actually going to marry you. I -- wow, I'm so happy."

I got up and walked over to him, taking his hand and pulling him off the chair.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"But there's a problem," I said, biting my bottom lip.


"Yeah, I don't have a ring. This wasn't exactly planned."

And he just smiled, "It's okay. I don't need one right now."

I leaned in for a kiss and captured his lips with mine, my hand cupped his cheek as I felt him smile into the kiss.

"Michael," he mumbled.


"I still need to edit my Vlog."

I chuckled.

"Way to ruin an after proposal moment."


Cry, that was the last chapter.

So yeah, what do you think? 

I didn't want the proposal to be big and planned, but very casual and kind of an 'accident' haha, I hope you liked it.

((Thanks to @mukeclcmmings for helping me out with a proposal idea))


I hope to see you again tomorrow for the epilogue!!

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