We were all shocked silent by this news, I mean, the Nidaime Hokage's daughter was here. She had been sealed for over forty years, just sitting there. Tsunade told me about her once, she said that her 'beloved cousin Aza' went missing when she was five, and just two years later the Shodaime Hokage died, and then the Nidaime Hokage two years after that. I remember she could talk about Azami for hours, how much she missed her, how fun she was, how much she loved her, and even more. I know that she never truly got over her disappearance, that and Dan and Nawaki, it's why she left. And besides, she was younger than me now, but if she grew up normally she would have been older... That's so strange to think about, it's just confusing.

"Jiraiya, can you undo the seal on her?" Hiruzen asked softly.

"Ah, yes, I'll do it now." I nodded.

I turned to the crystal and did a few hand signs, I put my hand against the crystal and closed my eyes in concentration. It was a complicated seal, yet it was quite weakened over the years. After a few moments I felt the seal undo and the crystal dissolve, I opened my eyes and watched as Azami floated down to the ground slowly. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she looked around.

~Azami POV~
My eyes opened and the darkness faded to reveal a room, a room with strange people in it. I looked around observing everything as my senses came back to me. I could feel something rough in my hands, so I looked down, and I saw it. Everything that happened that night came back to me, getting the gift from Madara, opening the cabin, Madara's Mangekyo, the darkness. My eyes started tearing up, and my sensing abilities finally came back to me.
There was a familiar chakra, it felt older, more worn, but I would recognize it anywhere. My head snapped up to meet the soft smile of an old man, he was familiar, just much older than before.

"Hiruzen, what happened to you, why are you so old?" I asked softly.

"Azami, child, I'm afraid you were sealed by Madara. It's been 46 years, there are only a few from our generation left." He replied.

My eyes widened, "46 years... No! No, no, I don't believe you! Madara would never! He wouldn't do that, I was his imouto, he said so himself! And, and, he was my Nii-san!" By the time I finished I was hyperventilating.

After I had calmed down a bit I asked, "What about Otou-san, Oji-san, Oba-san, and Little Tsuna? And Koharu and Homura? Kagami? Or his teammates, Danzo and Torifu?"

"Azami, it's only me, Tsunade, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura left. Everyone else has died. I'm sorry."

"What? Otou-san's dead? But, he's so strong, he would never die! Same with Oji-san and Oba-san! And Kagami is super strong too! Torifu, he wouldn't let himself die!" Tears were once again running down my face, I covered it with my hands and sobbed, sobbed hard.

Next thing I knew, Hiruzen had brought me into a hug and was patting my back. I hugged him back and let my tears soak his shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind. Eventually I had once again gotten my emotions, and tears, under control, so I could sense the others in the room. One of them I'd sensed around the village before, when he was much younger. Hiruzen stood and helped me up as well, I wiped my eyes and pointed to the white haired man with the familiar chakra.

"You. I've sensed your chakra in the village before, from my time. Who are you?" I questioned.

He seemed taken aback that I could recognize his chakra, but replied nonetheless, "I'm Jiraiya. I'm actually teammates with your cousin, Tsunade. She told me a lot about you, apparently you drool in your sleep."

I cringed, "Dammit Tsuna. I thought I told her not to tell people about that..."

"Oh, so it's true then?" Jiraiya asked.

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