CHAP 18: love yourself first

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Mino: hey

Jisoo: um hey? Aren't you are filming for a variety show now?

Mino: yeah but Jennie told me something and you know what. You know Jennie did that because she cared for you


Mino: don't be mad. You should let others help you sometimes

Jisoo: I'm not mad. I'm just thinking and aren't you mad?

Mino: no, I understand and tell you what! Suho and me are actually quite a friend you can say. We met a few times on a drinks.

Jisoo: omo really? You never told me about him?

Mino; Because I don't think it's matter?
Besides it's before we are together and we're not that close yet.

Jisoo: yeah I guess you're right.

Mino: so listen! I will help you, for sure. I can tell you what she hate in girls and I will do the bad talks about you to him

Jisoo: thank you dear 😊

Jisoo went to Jennie, "Jennie?" "Yeah unni?"
"I think, me and Mino kinda grow apart these days" "is it only you feel that or Mino told you that too?" "I don't know about him but I do feel like he is far away from me and maybe it's my fault too. I have been avoiding him" "why you avoid him unnie?" " em....I don't know 😔 I want to stay true to him but with everything going on, I just don't feel like going on a date and I also don't want his existence in our dorm remind you know"
"unnie!!!!!!! Please don't tell me you do that because of me 😭 YOU DONT HAVE TO!!" " I know! I know! I guess the sparks between us are gone and Mino also haven't resist to still go on a date after I said no. Like he didn't really really want it! Why I'm so complicated *massaging her temple" "I know unnie, you're not complicated, we girls are like that sometimes. We want to see the efforts more than anything"

Jisoo looked at her alarm and next week is her 2 years anniversary with Mino and she feel the need to stay true to herself. She and Mino promise to stay true to each others on their first day together. It's have been almost 2 weeks that she and Mino rarely call on each others but only by texts, asking each others well-beings like they feel they need to do that, at least. And no more those long texts telling each others about their days anymore.

Jisoo call on Mino after seeing the clocks showed 8.00 PM and she know Mino already done on the recordings.

"Um hey? Are you done with the recording"
"Yeah, I'm home already" and after that the silence linger them
"do you perhaps have something to say Jisoo?" " em I do. Do you think we need to stay true to each others?" "Ofcourse, just like we promised" "or should we just go on and see how it will be once all of this ended?"
"Listen, I loved you and I still love you now. But maybe it's not big as before, I don't know whether this is what others couple feel when they break up on a nice term, like you know staying being a friends even after the relationship- ended" "yeah...."
"so just be true Jisoo, I know you don't really love me. You force yourself to love me before because I have been nice to you. You- you just respect me as your senior and I don't know I think so"
"you can just say it"
"actually at first I like you because of your humor like you're so funny and I love that you create a comfortable conversation with me. I feel your love and I really want to repay that. At once point, I also think I'm in love but maybe it's past tense. I just don't know why I don't love you. You have everything and why the hell I can't feel exactly like what you feel with me"
"Jisoo, don't force yrself in a relationship. Relationship worked between two people. You're gonna suffer in the end if you keep doing that. I happened to know how you feel after Hoonie hyung asked me whether you really love me and I never think of that because I thought you are but I don't have a confidence in saying that"
"I'm- I'm so sorry 😔 " " no, you make feel being loved and thank you for that. So I guess that's it? We're done." "Um I guess so" "take good care of yourself, don't worry too much about others. Look at your feelings first before others. And I still will help you with Suho things"
"you still going to do that?"
"We're still friends right? So yeah I want to do that. Besides I'm not giving you up to that man. He is good but not with that airhead"
"em- thank you min" "no need to thanks me. Oh! I need to shower and I need to practice some more"
"ah! Yeah sorry on that! Goodluck on your upcoming comeback"

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