CHAP 17: we the only girls that run the games in high heels

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Jennie: hey! Are u alright unnie?

Jisoo swept her tears seeing Jennie.

Jisoo: yeah! Why aren't I?

Jennie: you know we're there when you back just now and we clearly saw and crystal clear that you got tears or something at your eyes just now

Jisoo: *laughing. Yeah yeah

Rosie and Lisa reveal themselves from the back of the door after Jennie asked them to get into the room. Rosie and Lisa contemplating for a while whether they should give her space tonight or just go with what Jennie want but Jennie will not let them get their way and they knew it's because she cared for Jisoo.

Rosie: hey unnie!! hehehehehe you want more rest?

Lisa: yeah unnie do you want more rest?

Jennie whisper to them "just get inside will you?" and seeing Jennie eyes they just gave up on giving Jisoo some space and end up close the door.

Rosie: unnie! You know you don't have to showed your strong side to us all the time. I know and we all know you're the strongest and we always know we got you to rely on but please, let you to rely on us sometimes too. We want to at least do that for you.

Jennie hearing that, wink at Rosie and mouthed a "good job" with a thumb up.

Jisoo: I know, it's not my intention to not rely on you guys but you know I- I just don't know how. Sometimes I just go to one of your room and sleep with you since that's the least comfort I could get. I mean the biggest comfort I could get. Sometimes, a gestures played big roles than a words.

Hearing that, Rosie got choked up so she just look down avoiding Jisoo gaze.

Jisoo: and look, I know you're crying Chaeng. I hate and it hurts me seeing you cry. Well not those happy tears but like this one. You pity one me *look down

Rosie: no unnie! It's not that I pity you or what. We all know our situation. You know my problems and Jennie and Lisa problems but your problems? We knew it but we can't do anything because you keep it to yourself and I- I *crying I just feel useless, seeing you handle the problems by yourself when you're always being beside me all the time.

Lisa pat Rosie back and take her hand into her.

Jennie: you could tell us anything unnie. We're more than willing to hear. We just want to be a real sisters to you. You know like those who fought everyday but eventually find each others when they're in troubles.

Lisa: we love you, more than anyone. We love you more than our family and you know that. We got us when our family are not there for us.

The scene went silent after Lisa said her last words. After a few minutes, Jisoo opened up.

Telling everything from the beginning when her parents asked her situation until her parents dropped the bombs.

Jennie: should we just terminated our contract?

Jisoo: NO! I know we all want this ever since in college. Received all those loves for being who we are and not for who we are born into. I will not let my problems destroy everything, this is our-

Jennie: unnie! I know, I'm just kidding okay?

Lisa: don't you see Jennie unnie face when she is saying that? She clearly just crack a jokes

Jisoo: oh- I thought you're being real. For once, my heart dropped

Jennie: nah. I know this mean everything to every one of us and this is not the right time for us to give up

Rosie: or? What if we make that out of nowhere man give up on you? Like we make him hate you?

Lisa: ooooooo Rosie! Agree! *high five with Rosie

Jennie: that's our brains! Yeah and how about that unnie? We will help you, for sure. No doubt on that.

And after those 4 hours of them crying, laugh and mad with each others. They do some research on DST Corp's son and he is the only son while he have another older sister. His name is Kim Suho. His visuals are well known among conglomerates and his attitude? Well depends on the situation, sometimes polite but most of the time a pain in the ass. They try to find out everything about him, especially what he hate the most.

Jisoo: it's a good thing he is a pain in the ass or not I will eventually fall for him.

Jennie: yeah he got that visuals and I can't say that both of you made a marvelous pair.

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