Chapter 10: Marinette's Brave Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

And another.

And one more.

They were going down like flies.

Her head felt so heavy and it felt like she was running a marathon just trying to keep her eyes open. Was this what death felt like? No she couldn't die yet! She still had a world to save. As she'd done many times before, she reached up for the familiar cool touch of her earrings as a sort of reassurance and promise that Tikki was there and watching out for her. Instead of feeling the smooth round touch of the spotted earrings, she was met with the rough touch of her blood-covered ears. 

Where was Tikki? 

She reached again and again for the earrings but they weren't there. Shit! Where was Tikki!

She shook violently as heavy sobs rang out from her mouth and salty tears raced down her cheeks. 

"Marinette!" she heard a deep voice call her name. "MARINETTE!" There it was again.

Who was calling her? What did they want? 


They sounded so desperate.

She slowly opened her eyes to be met with the teary face of Robin. Relief instantly washed over him.

"Oh-Oh thank Gods! I-I-I thought you were dead!" Hot streams raced down his face.

"Why are you crying?" she replied. Her voice so small he could barely make out the words.

"Oh Gods, you're okay!" he repeated as he sobbed and hugged her closely. He then released her as soon as he'd held her and muttered out an apology.

"S-sorry," he sniffed, "W-We need to go! I need to get you somewhere safe!"

He lifted her into his arms and began to run.

"S-Safe? Wait! Damian wait! What about the Grim Reaper?"

"To hell with the Grim Reaper! I'm not letting you die on a battlefield with no fucking weapon or way to defend yourself. Cyborg, Red Hood, Red Robin, Starfire and Beast boy are all down, I'm not losing you too!"

"B-But Damian-"

"Shut the hell up Marinette and let me fucking save you!" he screamed silencing her.

They reached a pile of rubble and he made space before laying her down.

"O-Okay I think this is far enough, when you've gained some energy, you run like hell out of here okay!"


"PLEASE Marinette, PLEASE, I am BEGGING you to cooperate with me just this once!"

Her heart broke watching the hero in front of her. His eyes were a bloody red and his once smooth face was filled with cuts and bruises.

"I just wanted to say I lov-" she was cut off by a loud piercing. Robin's eyes widened as he slowly looked down. Marinette gasped and cried out.

He'd just been impaled with a metal rod. 

The blood shot out seeping into her clothes and forming a pool of red on the ground and she screamed as the tears that were once there before now refused to escape.

He looked back up and slowly, but surely, the edges of his mouth twitched up. Was he smiling? Damian FUCKING Wayne was smiling??? He never smiled! She was shook out of her shell-shock by the feeling of his hands pressed on her bruised cheeks.

"D-D-D-Damian! Damian! DAMIAN!" she screamed out before she was silenced by the soft press of his lips on hers before he collapsed.

Her mouth wavered and twitched. She squeaked and fidgeted. Did Damian just die in her arms?No! He couldn't die! He was Damian Wayne! He never died! Nature just wouldn't allow it! The last time he did, he was resurrected in the Lazarus Pit! He couldn't die! He was just asleep!

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