Chapter 16

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Double update babbyyyy.

This is just the layout of the apartment, not the furniture.

Also this chapter is gonna get a lil frisky towards the end so proceed with caution.

Four months later

   That day, Ezra had stayed for the concert but had to leave almost immediately after because she was only allowed out of the care home until 12 PM. She had given me the address of the care home and her phone number.

   Now, I'm moving into my new apartment in LA. I have already emailed the foster home and informed them of my decision to try to adopt Ezra. Then, they directed me to the judge that handles adoptions from out of state.

  I also contacted a lawyer, who said that I have a good chance of winning due to a steady job and the fact that I'm family. Judges usually favor family members.

"So, when do you find out if you get to try to adopt Ezra?" Maggie asks as we all lug the last couple of boxes into the loft apartment. The white walls look plain and the light wooden floors need dusting.

"I don't know yet. Someone is supposed to call me today." I inform, placing the box down. "Thank you, guys for helping me." I say for the 10th time in two hours.

   "Harlow, stop thanking us. We'd do it a million times again." Billie replies.

   "I wouldn't say a million times." Patrick jokes.

   "We have to go take care of something. Sorry we can't stick around to help you unpack." Maggie says, referring to her and Patrick, before hugging me.

   "I have a date with Claudia. I'll see you around." Finneas says, also hugging me.

   "I can stay. I'll help you unpack." Billie smiles as the other three leave.


"So where are we starting?"

"Bedroom." I say, looking for every box that has the word 'bedroom' on it. I grab a big one and a small one, Billie doing the same and following me into the bedroom.

   We then go out and grab the biggest boxes together, using both of our strength to carry the disassembled bed frame, desk, and dresser up the stairs into Ezra and my shared bedroom.

   Usually we wouldn't want to share a bedroom, but we agreed that since money is sort of tight and the room was big enough for 2 queen beds and plenty of space, sharing a bedroom wouldn't be too bad.

   After grabbing my bluetooth speaker and turning on some music, we begin to unpack the bed frame and begin working on assembling it.


   After four long hours of assembling my bed frame, dresser, and our shared desk, we were finally done with the basics of my side of the room.

There's my dark wooden bed frame that is pushed against the far left corner which contrasts with the light walls and floor. The dark wooden dresser that matches sits at the foot of my bed, against the wall and closer to the railing. The white desk lays in the middle of the wall, dividing the room in half. Multiple boxes still litter the room.

   "Looking good so far!" Billie says, hanging her arm over my shoulder. I look over at her with a smile.

   "Thanks again for helping me."

   "Dude will you shut up." She nudges me in the side.

   "Sorry. I'm just not used to this." I shrug.

   "So we gonna decorate this baby or what?" She asks.

   I'm about to answer when a buzz is felt in my back pocket. I reach into my pocket and grab my phone, seeing an unknown number calling me.

   "One second." I slip away from her grip and answer  it.


   "Hi, is this Harlow Dormez?" A man on the other end asks.

   "This is her."

   "This is Judge Wilson's assistant, Amari. I am pleased to inform you that Judge Wilson has agreed to proceed with your case. Your first court date is in two weeks, August 16th." He informs. My heart races as my eyes widen.

   "Oh- Oh my god, really?" I ask excitedly.

   "Yes ma'am." He responds.

   "Thank you so much!" I say, smiling like an idiot.

   "Don't thank me, thank Judge Wilson. Have a good day, ma'am."

   "You too!" I say before he hangs up. I turn towards Billie.

   "We goin' to court, baby!" I shout excitedly, jumping into Billie's arms, hugging her tightly.

   "I'm so happy for you, mamas!" She says, swaying us back and forth. I pull back and stare at her in awe.

   She stares back, her ocean blue eyes boring into my green ones. Butterflies irrupt in my stomach as we both lean closer to each other. We suddenly crash our lips together, electricity flying between us.

   She grabs my hips, pulling me closer as our lips mold together. Slowly, she steps forward, forcing me to step backwards. The back of my knees hit the bed and I slowly sit down, laying on the bed as Billie hovers over me, not breaking the heated kiss.

I let out a small moan as she runs her hands under my shirt, soon lifting it above my head, leaving me in my white lace bra. I grasp her baggy red shirt, signaling for her to take it off. She smiles cheekily at the weak attempt, before complying. She groans as I run both of my hands through her silky, green and black hair.

This is going to be the best night of my life.

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