Chapter 4

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"Oh my god!" Maggie gasps. "What happened, are you okay?" She asks, her motherly nature taking over.

It's kind of odd that she doesn't even ask me who I am.

I'm just a random girl backstage.

"You're bleeding." She states.

"I am?" I ask. She nods, taking the wet rag from the security guy and places it on my cheek.

"How did this happen?"

"Umm... my boyfriend..." I reveal vaguely. Her eyes widen.

"He did this to you!?" She asks, taking the rag away from my face and intently staring at me with concern. I nod sheepishly. "Oh, I'm so sorry darling." She brings me into a hug and I tense up.

This is an odd feeling...

Being cared for.

   Haven't felt that in at least 5 years, since both of my parents died in a car wreck.

She pulls back and brings the rag back up to my face and finishes cleaning it. She then hands me an ice pack and tells me to keep it against my cheek.

"Do you want to watch Billie from the side of the stage with me?" She asks.

"Oh, umm. Sure!" I smile at her. She smiles back and stands up, motioning for me to join her. I follow her and she leads me to where we can see Billie and Finneas jumping around on stage.

I smile softly and hold the cold surface to my cheek, just watching her enjoy herself.

Before I know it, goodbye is playing and her and Finneas are walking off stage. Backstage starts bustling getting everything ready for them, and it makes me feel like I'm in everyone's way.

   I watch from a distance as Maggie greets Billie, Finneas, and the drummer, Andrew, with reusable water bottles.

   I feel like I should go home now.

   I don't want to intrude on their winding down time.

   I put the ice pack on a random table and start looking around for the closest exit. I find one to my left, but have to pass the O'Connell family to leave.

   I start heading in that direction, seeing Billie glance at me as I pass. I revert my eyes to the grey stone floor as I make it outside, a cool breeze blowing through my hair and over my exposed skin, immediately making my nose feel runny.

   The moon set high in the sky is the only source of light. The stars sprinkle the sky like a beautiful painted masterpiece.

   I need to go home.

   The longer I'm out, the worse my punishment will be when I see Alex next.

   I pull out my phone to text one of Alex's friends for a ride.

   A black screen.


   What the fuck do I do?

   "Hey, where ya' goin', mamas?" A voice asks from behind me. I jump and turn around, seeing the green-black haired beauty staring back at me.

   "Home." I murmur.

   "Speak up, babes. I can't hear you." She says sweetly.

   "I have— I have to go home." I said louder, my voice more getting more panicky by the second.

   "What? No." She insists.

   "He's—He's gonna hurt me. I have no where else to go I—"

   "Then stay with me!" She blurts.

   "No. The longer I'm out the worse it'll be." My breath is ragged. My heart pounds in my ears.

   "Hey, calm down. Deep breaths." She takes my hands in hers as I take a sharp breath in.

   I look into her eyes and she looks back with those piercing blue eyes and suddenly I feel...


   How could one simple stare make me feel safe?

   I'm almost immediately calmer than before, relaxing under her touch and gaze.

"You can't go back to him babes." She says lowly.

"I have no where to go." I sigh. "I don't have money to rent even the smallest apartment. I don't even have a fucking job. All my shit is at his house." I say in an anxious tone. I feel lost and vulnerable in this state. Not to mention the fact that I'm standing in front of my idol.

I have so many fucking memories with her music.

She's helped me get through the hardest times. Even though she had no clue at all who I was. That's the power of music.

The simplest things like lyrics can save a life.

Including mine.

There have been many nights where I've almost given in to the darkness.

To the pain of my situation.

But she was always there.

And just like that, I fall apart.

I let go of her hands and press my back to the cold concrete wall. I slide to the ground and place my head in my hands, letting out a soft sob.

This is so humiliating.

Not only did I get slapped in front of Billie Eilish, I also cried twice in one night.

I'm a mess.

I feel a body slide down next to mine and pull me into their chest, the familiar vanilla scent filling my nose.

"I wasn't kidding before. You can stay with me. You can tour with me. I'll even give you a job." She proposes.

"You-You'd do that?" I stutter, pulling away from her. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why me? What would you even hire me for? I'm not good at anything that will be useful for you."

"You deserve a chance to survive. If you go home to him, he might eventually take it too far. We'll figure something out for you." She smiles, nudging me.

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