chapter 21

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Raph POV

I set y/n down gently in a nearby chair. I know she wont wake up anytime soon but I can try to wake up the others. I shake each one of them but nothing works. I crouch to the floor and take deep slow steady breaths to help focus on coming up with an idea. I hear footsteps coming quickly from down the hallway, two sets. I jump up and prepare to attack but I hear a familiar voice. "Hurry, the tracker says leo is just down this way." Its karai, but who's with her? "Oh I hope donnie is alright." April. I sigh in relief and step out into the hallway, I see them both sprinting towards me. They dont see me immediately but I shout out to them catching their attention. "Karai! April! Down here!" They rush over and enter the room that my brothers and y/n are passed out in. "Oh boy. Have you tried waking them up?" I look at her and scoff, "uh ya think?" She raises her hands in defense, "sorry." Karai kneels down next to leo and snap something in front of his nose. He groans and his eyes flutter open, taking in everything. He sees karai and hugs her tightly. "You got my message." He smiles. "Of course." She says standing up and holding out a hand for him. He takes it and she helps him up. "Alright enough of this sappy crap, we gotta get outta here." I say picking up y/n in my arms. I hold her body close, not wanting anything else to happen to her. Karai wakes up mikey and donnie real quick and April hugs don. He's a blushing mess like always. I clear my throat and gesture my head to the door. Leo takes the lead and soon we are out of that horrible place.

A few hours later..

Your pov

I'm running again. It's the same dark place I was before. The man with blades on his hand is chasing me again. I run faster hoping to get away this time. I dont. I trip and he seals my fate by slicing at me once more. Blood. But no pain. The bright white light comes again. This time I catch a glimpse of the man's face. Its burned on one side. And his eyes burn bright red. The light envelopes me before I get to see more. And again I wake up..

My eyes open wide and I gasp a little bit. I sit up quickly and steady my heavy breathing. Who the heck was that guy? I look at my surroundings, this isn't the cell nor the lair. It's dark mostly with a candle on a side table next to the one twin bed in the room. My eyes search frantically and they rest on my red masked turtle laying peacefully asleep in a chair. I let out a sigh and swing my legs over the bed to the floor. I go to stand up but a sharp pain shoots through my foot and ankle. Theres a bandage wrapped around my ankle and I realize I dont have any of my gear or wraps. I go to stand again but I wince loudly, accidentally causing raph to wake up. He looks at me sleepily and I give him a small wave. He closes his eyes again but opens them again when his processes that I'm awake. "Y/n!" He stands up and looks at me for a split second before rushing over and picking me up. He hugs me tight and I almost cant breathe. "I thought you'd never wake up, god I've missed you.." I smile at him when he finally puts me down. "I'm okay raphie." He nods and smiles at me, then hugs me again. "I dont ever wanna let u go." He says softly. "Aww, it's okay, I'm here." I say hugging him back and stroking the back of his head comfortingly. Just then donatello walks in the door and is surprised and happy to see that I'm awake. He calls for everyone else to come in and see. They all greet me like they haven't seen me in ages. Then they hit me with some shocking news..

His Princess ❤ (Raphael X mutant! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora