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~Yuffie's POV~

          Cloud's up before me, Red, and Reeve, the two people we roomed with. In my half conscious state, I can hear him buckling his belt and strapping his sword holder onto his back. My eyes crack open as he clips his blade back into one piece and equips it, sliding his Mystile armband on, the glow of full materia slots prominent in the early morning dimness. Then his blue eyes look over to me, watching me with an unreadable expression. He takes half a step toward me before shaking his head and walking toward the door. Nope, not getting away this time, buddy.

"Where are you going?" I ask in a hushed tone. He cringes and looks back at me.

"Father hunting."

"Without me?"

"Yuffie, you're..."

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm disabled," I scoff, standing.

"Really, I think it would be better if.."

"You did this on your own?" He'd silent, staring at the inn flooring. "Cloud, you don't have to do anything alone anymore. We're all here for you. That's the reason we're here actually, and I didn't drag my butt to Gongaga for nothing." Cloud says nothing for a moment before uttering four words.

"You have five minutes."

        I nod and run for the bathroom, tug my clothes on, grab my weapon and smile at Cloud. He ignores me and leaves, me in tow. Well then, grump face. Way to kill my morning happiness! Much to my surprise, Cid, Tifa, and Vincent are already ready in the lobby. That's when I put it all together.

"Wait, you were gonna leave without me?!"

"Yuffie," he sighs, not even looking at me.

"I'm seriously considering making sure we have no more children," I huff.

"Well someone's happy this morning," Cid chuckles.

"Look who's not grumpy anymore," I fire back. He frowns at me and spins his spear.

"We gonna get going before Red awakens? He tore two muscles running yesterday," Vincent says flatly. "At least, before I had to carry him."

"Come one then," Tifa smiles, moving toward the door. "Let's go kick someone's butt!"

         I laugh and run after her, heading toward the middle of the town before we stop. The guys catch up easily enough, Cloud looking around before jogging east. We go after him again, heading toward the tall grassy area of the town. Cid falls behind by the smallest bit of space, but even the black lunged pilot can follow easily. The morning air is so fresh here. So clean and awakening that even not-morning-person Vincent seems to be at peace. It's like the world is telling us it's okay. We can do this. Even if it's hard for Cloud. Heck, I'll finish the guy off if he can't. We would all understand. My phone beeps and I pull it out, still jogging.

Turkey: Where'd y'all disappear to?

Me: ...Nowhere.

Turkey: I'm not kidding, Elena's freaking out.

Me: Just got breakfast at the cafe and now we're out in the jungle burning calories.

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