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~Yuffie's POV~

I guess Red was either really tired when he said my name or he's out of his mind, because I've just been listening to the usually quiet animal talk nonstop for nearly an hour. It's driving me nuts, but I guess that's what I sounded like at some point. Gods, now he's resorted to talking about firefly butts. I think the poor guy's really lost it! His chattering is now giving me a headache, so I pinch the bridge of my boss tiredly and sigh.

"Red, are you ever going to shut up?"

"Sorry, Yuffie. This whole ordeal.... It's making me twitch."

"... Okay?"

"I'm just scared and not feeling very well at the moment."

"You? Scared? Psh, I bet you're ready to chomp all their butts off!"

"Not exactly, no."

"Oh don't be so.."

"Yuffie," Reno pokes his head in. "We've gotta go."

"Right. Bye Red," I ruffling his hair softly and kiss the tip of his large nose. He sighs and nudges my cheek with his large jaw before I step away and toward the redheaded Turk.

"This really sucks, yo," he kicks at the floor. "Losin all my friends except for Rude and Lanie. Tseng I guess too. But lately he's been so... I dunno. Hateful? Stressed?"

"Don't worry, Turkey," I fluff his spiky hair. "You'll be alright."

"I guess," he shrugs, unlocking a door. "Here's that cranky old man."

"I ain't old," Cid snaps at him when the door opens. "Jus' get yer behind outta here, kid."

Reno shrugs and does as he's told, locking the door behind him. I clench my jaw and flop down onto the floor.

"They gonna let you call Shera?"

"Yeah," he frowns, looking like he really wants a cigarette. Or a strong drink. Probably both. "Why's all this crap gotta happen right after I finally become a dad?"

"I don't know," I sigh, looking down at my growing stomach. "Why do they have to be baby murderers?" He raises an eyebrow for a moment before remembering and his frown grows deeper.

"Can't believe 'em."

"I can."

"Course you can," he forces a crooked smile. "Yer the Great Ninja Yuffie, right?"

"Right," I nod with a smile.

He sits next to me and picks at his heavy combat boots with a scowl. I sigh again, more heavily, and rest my temple against his shoulder. He doesn't even bother to move away with an eye roll like he usually would. He just acts as if I'm not there, and that's okay. Just as long as he's here. He's always been kind of like the father I never had in Godo ever since we really got to know each other instead of yelling "Brat!" and "Grandpa!" at each other. Whenever Barret was being a jerk or Cait was annoying me, I would just go tattle to ol' Cid and he'd yell at them for me while I snickered in the background.

I allow a small smile to creep on my face as those memories flow through my mind. We may have been on the most dangerous journey of our lives, but those were the best days. The days in the Highwind where Barret and Tifa would debate over nothing, Red and Cait would be chatting quietly, Cloud would be watching out the window, oblivious to my obvious feelings, while Cid ranted about things that made me laugh. Vincent would be in the corner, brooding and being the King of Angst until I dragged him into conversation with the pilot and he would open up a little, releasing small smiles and sometimes pulling a small prank on anyone nearby. That Vince was always a mischievous one.

Leaning on You(FF7)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora