"That hair is way too pretty for this hella gross camp," Sasha added while looking at her. Tabii agreed until she remembered

"Wait! That's (Y/n)!" She yelped out. Sasha looked down at her slightly confused until she continued, "Erin and I were just talking about her! She's the Flower Scout that sold the most cookies in a day!"

"Wait she was a Flower Scout!" Sasha asked confused. She thought for a second before nodding, "yeah I can see it! She's way to pretty for this camp!"

"Who cares!" Tabii huffed as turned her attention back to Neil, "I'm going to make that kissing scene so amazing! He's going to be mine!"

Sasha watched as Tabii hid against the darkness and only rolled her eyes.


As everyone watched the play they noticed a new girl replaced Nikki as Juliet. She attempted to kiss Neil before a woman climbed up on the stage to demand answers from Neil calling him David in the process.

"Um excuse me who's this?" The girl in blonde asked as the woman demanded Neil to explain things.

"I'm not David!" Neil shouted in confusion before the blonde girl stepped in again

"He's my Romeo! You best step off before I rip that weave off your head!"

"Oh you want to go little girl?"

Neil fainted as the two began to fight. (Y/n) and David both stood up to go stop the fight while Gwen decided to cheer them on.

(Y/n) and David rushed up on stage. In a hurry David asked Max what was happening, but Max only gave David his phone back with a smile. (Y/n) rushed over to the fight and managed to pick up the little blonde girl away from the woman.

"What's actually wrong with you fighting a little girl!" (Y/n) yelled in confusion.

They all froze in place as they heard sirens go off as the parked near the stage.

"Nobody move! We've pin point some questionable searches coming from a phone in this area," a man in a suit said while his partner began to list off the searches. (Y/n) turned to David while still caring the little girl in her arms as David checked his phone.

"Oh dang it,"

"There he is! Get him!" Both men rushed over to David and grabbed both arms and began to drag him away.

"You can't take me to prison! I've been framed!" David said with a nervous voice.

Max looked up at (Y/n) who was now standing next to him. Her look of slight disappointment in her eyes caused Max to groan out in annoyance.

"Wait, I can fix this. Everyone stop." Everyone turned over to Max who began to explain the situation to them, "Bonquisha, I'm sorry. You were texting me all along, I took David's phone just to mess with him. I led you on,"

"Oh no one plays Bonquisha like that!" She said as she got in a defensive position. (Y/n) instantly dropped Tabii got in front of Max. She gave Bonquisha a dirty look as she stood in a protective manor.

"Don't try me girl, if you even think of hurting him," (y/n) said in a low voice.

"Kick her ass (Y/n)!" Gwen yelled from the crowd.

"Max shame on you, my apologies ma'am," David apologized to Bonquisha. He noticed the tension between her and (Y/n) drop slightly, but both stayed glaring at each other.

"What about me! Where's my apology?" The blonde girl asked while rubbing her head from being dropped onto the ground.

"I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure who you are," Max said truthfully

"Well the kid apologize," the first man said to his partner.

The other man agreed, "I say he learned his lesson,"

They both dropped David onto the floor before asking him questions about the camp. They then turned their attention away after their questions where answered and left.

"Oh Robo-Romeo,"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes as Tabii finished the final sentence of the play. The curtains closed in a dramatic fashion, which was then followed by boo's from the crowd.

"Well that all worked out," Max said with no emotion. He turned towards (Y/n) and held her hand as David began to scold him.

"David, as much as I hate what Max did I think he had enough for tonight," (Y/n) began before Max held up her phone.

"I tried to find any secrets on you, but you only had boring apps on there." Max said annoyed as he didn't find what he was looking for. "I downloaded Tinder for you though. You already have match!"

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) asked as she took the phone and opened the new tinder app.

She scrolled onto the profile and saw how Max describe her. Unlike David where he just flat out lied about him, Max really described (Y/n) the best he could. The only used a couple of her pictures from her camera roll including a selfie she took with him, Neil and Nikki.

"Yeah you got a match with a guy named Daniel, he didn't really have pictures but he keeps calling you his Juliet," Max smiled as he glared up at David. David's face of confusion caused Max to smirk evily at him.

"Max, don't talk to strangers online!" (Y/n) said with a blush as she read the conversation from this Daniel.

"Excuse me sugar,"

They all turned their attention towards Bonquisha. who walked over to David.

"You owe Bonquisha a date."

"Uh but that wasn't-" David tried to explain but she cut him off.

"Nu uh, someone got to out with Bonquisha. One way or the other,"

"Wait! Can't we just be friends?" David asked as Bonquisha carried him off. "(Y/n)! Help!"

"Sorry about our friend,"

"Yeah she's the dumb one,"

(Y/n) looked back as the two flower scouts dragged Tabii away from the stage.

"Wait, do you girls need a ride?" (Y/n) asked but only nodded their heads no.

"Thank you so much Ms. (Y/n)" the girls smiled up at her. (Y/n) only smiled back awkwardly as they left.

"Um, (Y/n) where's Nikki?" Neil asked her as they all looked up. Nikki head was turning red from all the blood that rushed towards her head.

"Welp, time to drink my own pee!"


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