Chapter ✿ Twenty

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


"Must I go?" Louis asks shakily, he stares at his mother blankly. The room is dark, he is still tired. He doesn't want to leave his bed... Ever.

"Yes, Lou. Lottie has organised this, it'll be fun!" Jay says cheerfully for the bedroom door. "I know you're tired, but that's because you got home so late last night."

"I fell over and I'm hurt," Louis lies, although, he is sore. And scared. He hadn't seen Harry since last night. He doesn't want to see him ever again.

"Luckily we will be sitting in a car and then sitting on the beach! The same as what you'd do here. Sit in bed. It'll be fun, Lou. Come on, get up, get dressed. I'll have breakfast waiting for you."

Jay leaves the room and Louis gets up, wincing at the pain that shoots through his backside. He goes to the bathroom and runs his hands through his hair, deciding on leaving it messy today.

He washes his tear stained face, whimpering at the thought that his mother could have seen it.

Louis rummages through his clothes, deciding on a sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. Probably not the nest attire for the beach, but he doesn't care. And he can't wear shorts, the deep purple bruises that were inflicted on him last night could be easily seen.

He doubts having bruied hand prints on his thighs would go down well with his mum.

He walks down stairs, an anxious feeling building up. Harry will think differently of him. What if he has told Lottie?

"Ah! Look who finally decided to come down," Lottie laughs, smiling at her baby brother.

"Morning," Louis whispers as his eyes land on Harry, who is looking down at his cereal, pushing it around with a spoon.

"Want to sit next to Harry, darling?" Jay speaks softly, buttering toast for Louis.

Louis nods, blushing to himself. He sits down next to Harry, gasping a little when his bum meets the chair.

Harry glances sideways, suspicious on why Louis did that. The realisation hits him that Louis could be... No he wouldn't. He wouldn't let dirty men touch him or use him.

But Harry would have never thought Louis would be a stripper.


Harry and Louis sit in the back seat, both not having spoken to eachother. Both nervous, both scared.

"So," Jay speaks up, her eyes remaining on the road. "How was your birthday Harry?"

"Uh," Harry's eyes widen. "Great, g-good. I had a good night." He stumbles over his words, eyes flashing to Louis every now and then.

"Did you get a lap dance?" Jay laughs, giving him a cheeky, playful grin.

"I-no. Of course not."

"I'm just teasing, Harry," Jay smiles, but Lottie looks anything but impressed.

"So you did get one?" Louis whimpers a little, shrinking down in his seat more. Harry can sense his fear and wants nothing more than to hold him.


Lottie scoffs. "Jeez, Harry. The one thing I asked you not to do," she glares out the window and turns the radio up, not wanting to speak about it.

Louis stills, gasping softly as cherry pie plays on the radio. Is this some sick joke?!

He looks at Harry, who is already looking at him. The older gives him an awkward smile, to which Louis returns.

Harry's heart begins to beat faster, the song Louis danced to last night was playing. The song that was playing when he came in his pants.

And Harry doesn't know why or how, but suddenly he is so attracted to Louis, that if Jay and Lottie weren't here, he doesn't know what he'd do.

I'm so sorry this took sooo long, I'm horrible

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I'm so sorry this took sooo long, I'm horrible. XD I hope this chapter was okay! Thoughts?

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat