Eijiro looked like he was thinking about it, and then sighed.

Kirishima: Okay, sure. What should we talk about?

I shrugged.

Bakugo: Just ask me something that's been bugging you, or that you're curious about?

Kirishima looked down for a minute, and then back at me.

Kirishima: What exactly was going through your head at that moment, when we were fighting?

Bakugo: I, I think I just had to cool down after my reaction to what Deku was dealing with, but then we had that fight, I was still upset. And it just escalated until I asked you that question. When you said yes, my answer was first instinct, I didn't want to seem like a hypocrite for chiding Izuku, but saying it's okay for me... and again I still needed to cool off, had there been a bigger gap between our fight and my reaction to Deku, my answer would have been different. But in that specific moment while I was processing everything else, I just did what made the most sense to me, at least during those fifteen minutes...

Then Eijiro looked at me.

Kirishima: And, what about after? If there was a bigger gap, what would your answer have been?

Now we're getting somewhere.

Bakugo: I think, I think it would have been something like:
'Look, I don't feel super great about what I said to Deku, but I'm still on a few of those points. I wasn't joking when I said that Deku is in some trouble and that this'll be tough for him, but that doesn't mean I hate the idea of being a parent all together. I'm never going to actively try to have a kid at our age, but if something did happen, I swear that I'll take responsibility for it.'

Kirishima: How do you know if you'd stick to that promise?

Bakugo: Because I don't like the idea of breaking that promise for somebody, especially not for you. I helped cause the situation, so I should take responsibility for it. Simple as that. Plus, if there was anybody in this entire school that I'd be fine having a kid with, it would be you, no questions asked. I don't know how serious you were about that "relationship", but I definitely took it seriously. And, if it makes a difference, you still make my heart beat like it's on steroids...

By this point we were really close, but Eijiro wasn't making any moves to put more distance. My body was starting to ache a bit from how close we were, and my heart started beating really fast.

Bakugo: If it makes a difference, I don't know why I broke it off, because you're the only person who makes my heart explode, so guess what? I'm saying it now. Kirishima Eijiro, you're my number one hero, and I love you.

Eijiro wasn't responding so I started to move away, only to be pulled closer and before I knew it we were kissing. I felt like my quirk was about to go off. Within seconds we both had our arms wrapped around each other and we were passionately and violently making out. I would occasionally curse under my breath when we pulled away for air, only to dive right back in and have my tongue swirling with Eijiro's again.

It didn't take much longer before I had Eijiro pinned to the desk and moaning as we began grinding on each other and I started nibbling and sucking on his neck. Then he began palming me through my uniform and I let out a muffled f-bomb. Then we started kissing again and undoing our pants.

My mind was clouded but I remembered that the most important part of our conversation still wasn't over. We kept going with what we were doing for a few minutes—the door was still locked. And eventually I leaned over to Eijiro's ear and said something.

Bakugo: Eijiro?

Kirishima: Hm?

I wasn't sure if this was a good way to initiate the conversation but I was already there.

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