Part 7

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2 Weeks Later

"Hello" Kelly said as she answered her phone to an unfamiliar number.

"Hi, this is Mrs. Walker from CPS and I wanted to know if I could talk to you today." She heard.

"Uhm, sure." She said.

Trey had just walked into the kitchen when Kelly hung up.

"What's up." He asked kissing her.

"That was the lady from CPS. She wants to talk to me about something." She said.

"You know what it's about?" He asked.

"No, she said it was important though." She said. "What if they need me to tell Bey that Jalen and Jada are going back to their mom."

"You can't think like that babe." He said. "I'm free, I'll go with you."

"Okay." She said as they grabbed the car keys.

"Babe." Trey said.

"Yeah." She said.

"You might need some shoes." He said.

Kelly looked down at her socked feet. She nodded and went upstairs.

They arrived at the CPS office and said who they needed to see. Trey kissed her forehead as they waited letting her know everything would be alright. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Neverson." Mrs. Walker said as she came out and they walked back to her office.

They sat down.

"I'm sorry to have been so secretive about this, but this goes against office policy, but I feel that I must do what's best for the children." She said.

"What is it?" Kelly asked.

'Well it's been about two weeks since we had to take Jada and Jalen from Beyoncé. We've placed them in four homes and the family usually only keeps them two days. Jalen doesn't sleep, he just cat naps, Jada cries until she falls asleep and when she wakes up she cries again and neither child will eat," Mrs. Walker stated sadly stopping in front of a closed door.

"So are you letting them go back to Bey and Shawn?" Kelly asked hopeful.

"No, the courts won't allow it." She said.

"So what am I here for?" Kelly asked.

"I was hoping that you would take the kids in until their court date. It's only for a couple of days. The kids know you and your husband and they would probably be comfortable around you. I know you both work so if you wanted to bring "someone" in to look after the kids that would be fine. Just as long as you don't "take" them to the Carter's house everything will be fine," Mrs. Walker said pointedly hoping the young couple would catch her double meaning.

Jalen sat on the couch rocking his little sister.

"Kelly!" he cried out when he saw the woman standing in the doorway. 

Jada look up and saw the woman she thought of as an aunt standing in the room.

"Kelly!" she screamed happily. 

Jumping out of her brother's arms she ran across the room and jumped into Kelly's waiting arms. Jalen ran up to the pair first hugging Kelly and then Trey.

"Kelly, we go to Bey Bey?" Jada asked.

Kelly looked at Mrs. Walker.

"No, sweetie I'm afraid you can't." Mrs. Walker said.

Kelly saw Jada's lip quiver and knew she was about to cry.

"Hey! It will be like a sleepover." Kelly said. "We'll pop popcorn and we'll play video games me and you against Trey and Jalen."

Trey stayed with the kids while Kelly filled out the necessary paperwork, after all the T's was crossed and the I's dotted, Kelly and Trey was on their way with the kids. As soon as they were in the car Kelly took out her cell phone and placed a call to her best friend.

When Beyoncé got the call from her friend to pack some clothes for herself and the kids and come stay with her for a couple of days, she didn't know what to expect, her first thought was that Kelly and Trey had fought and Kelly needed her.

Shawn was out of town on business so she left him a message to tell him where she would be.

After telling the older kids to pack a bag, Beyoncé went into the girl's room so that she could put some things together for Liyah. While she was putting some clothes into a tote bag she came across a pink t-shirt that looked too small for the eight year old. As so as she unfolded the shirt she noticed the word "Princess" emblazoned across the front of the shirt, she realized that the shirt belonged to Jada. With tears filling her eyes she remembered that this was the first that Kelly had bought her. Beyoncé held the shirt to her as tears flowed down her cheek.

"Why are you crying Bey Bey?" Liyah asked.

"Because I miss Jada." Beyoncé said wiping her face.

"I miss her too." Liyah said.

Beyoncé rocked Liyah.

"Don't worry we'll get her back." She said. 

Not sure if she was convincing Liyah or herself.

2 hours later

"What was so important I had to pack up four kids and drive to the city?" Beyoncé asked Kelly as they walked in.

Before Kelly could say anything Jada came around the corner.

"Bey Bey!" She said running up to her.

"How?" Bey asked as she picked her up.

"I missed you Bey." Jada said.

"I missed you too." Beyoncé said kissing her cheek.

Beyoncé looked at Kelly.

"I got a call from CPS and they were there." Kelly said.

"They?" Bey asked.

Bey walked further in and saw Jalen standing with Trey.

"Jalen." Beyoncé chocked out.

He went and hugged her.

All the kids came in and hugged Jada and Jalen. Patrick scooped Jada up and Jalen hugged his brothers and sisters.

Kelly hugged her best friend as she watched the kids reunite. 

"Hey, Patrick. Trey got this game were four people can play at once." Jalen said.

"Cool, you think he'll let us play?" Patrick said eyeing Trey.

"Yeah." Trey said. "Matter fact me and Jada versus You, Nathan and Jalen."

"You’re on!" Patrick said.

"Bey Bey, you’re not gonna leave right?" Jada asked.

"No I'm not." Beyoncé said.

"Okay." Jada said as she went to the game room.

"Now, tell me how all this happened." Beyoncé said as they walked in the kitchen.

Kelly basically told her everything that happened and how the kids were gonna stay until the trial. She also suggested that Bey stay over.

"I can do that?" Bey asked.

"Mrs. Walker basically suggested it." Kelly said.

Meanwhile in the Game Room

"Come on Uncle Trey, lets beat them." Jada said.

"Yeah, they’re going down." Trey said.

After playing for a minuet Trey said he was hungry and the kids agreed. 

"How about we get Bey to make her spaghetti." Trey said.

"Okay, I'll ask." Nathan said.

"No, no." Trey said grabbing him. "That spaghetti takes a minuet to make and she'll say it's a lot of work so we need to send somebody who she won't say no to."

They all looked at Jada.

"Jada, go tell Bey Bey you hungry and want spaghetti." Patrick said.

"And garlic bread." Trey added.

"Yeah and don't forget to pout." Jalen said.

Kelly and Beyoncé was still sitting on the sofa, when Jada walked up, climbed onto the sofa and then into Beyoncé's lap.

"Bey Bey I'm hungry can we have spaghetti with car lick bread," she said with a little pout.

"You want Car lick bread?" Beyoncé asked trying not to laugh.

"Yeah." She said.

Beyoncé glanced at Kelly.

"Tremaine Aldon Neverson!" Beyoncé yelled.

A minute later.

"Yeah." He asked coming in.

"I can't believe you stooped so low as to put the baby up to coming and asking me to make spaghetti." Bey said.

"How you know it was me? It could've been Patrick." He said.

"I don't know, maybe because she wanted Car lick bread." Beyoncé said.

"Car lick bread?" Trey asked in confusion then hit his head.

"What's the matter Uncle Trey? Didn't I say it right. You said that Bey Bey would make it if I asked her and you said that you wanted car-lick bread." Jada said her bottom lip quivering as she watch the man stumble through trying to deny sending her into the room.

"Okay, it was me, I'm sorry. I just wanted spaghetti." Trey said.

" I can't believe that you actually thought you would get away with sending the cute little kid in to ask." Bey said struggling to stay mad.

"It worked with Kelly." He said.

"What?" Bey said.

"We're gonna have to go to the store and get some things, because I don't have the ingredients for your pasta." Kelly said grabbing Trey's arm and rushing out the door.

"Y'all not slick!" Bey yelled.

"They’re not." Jada said.

Alright ya'll, stop crying now.

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