Part 3 *Warning*

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"My baby." The lady yelled and grabbed Jada.

Jada cried and tried to wiggle her way out of her hands. Shawn stood up and grabbed Jada. Jada buried her head in Shawn's neck.

"Why won't you let me see my babies?" The lady asked.

"Because we don't know you." Shawn said as he passed Jada to Bey. "And you scared her to death."

"Mom?" Jalen asked.

They lady turned around and seen Jalen with another boy maybe his age and she could tell he was protective.

"Jalen." She said with her hand over her mouth. "You’re almost a young man now."

She grabbed his face and kissed all over it until Jalen pulled away from her and stood by Beyoncé.

The lady started crying.

"Why won't my babies say anything to me." 

"Because they don't know you." Shawn said irritated.

Shawn tried to get the women away from their table when an older woman walked up and she seemed stuck up.

"Elizabeth, come back to the table and stop making a spectacle of yourself." The lady said.

"But these are my babies." She said.

"Oh, those creatures." The lady said disgustedly.

"Creatures." Beyoncé said angrily. "I know she did not call these babies creatures."

"They’re not black and their definitely not white." The lady said. "What else would they be?"

"She did not just say that." Beyoncé said standing and handing Jada to Jalen.

"What? You gonna hit me?" The lady said. "So typical of you people."

"You people? What you mean by that?" Shawn asked.

"I mean I can't say anything without you getting violent." She said.

Shawn knows his wife so he stepped in front of her because that old women was about to get popped.

"Bey, I got this." Shaw said. "Now I don't hit women but if you insult my wife or kids one more time I gonna forget you’re a women."

A well-dressed man came up to Shawn.

"I think you owe my wife an apology." He said.

Shawn laughed.

"Well I think your wife owes my wife, me and my kids an apology." Shawn said.

"I not going to apologize to a ni-"

Shawn punched him before the words even came all the way out.

"How dare you." The old women said.

"You better be lucky that's all I did." Shaw said.

A woman came from the back.

"Sir, you’re gonna have to leave." She said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start this commotion but he wasn't gonna insult my family." Shawn said.

"Oh, not you." The lady said. "Them."

"Us!" The old lady said. "He's the one punching people."

"Well the sign outside says I can refuse service to anyone." She said.

"I'd like to see your manager." The old lady said.

"Somebody please get Jacob." The lady said.

A young white man came out around his early thirties. 

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"Yes, your waitress was very rude." The older man said. "And refused to serve us."

"And what would you like me to do?" The guy asked.

"Fire her." The old guy said.

"Yeah, can't do that." He said shaking his head.


"Because she owns the place and then I might end up sleeping on the couch and I don't wanna do that." He said.

"You couldn't find any good white girls to marry." The old guy said.

"What you say?" He asked.

"This man is clearly racist." Shawn said. "That's why I knocked his ass out before."

Jacob grabbed the man and escorted him out.

"Please don't return to this establishment."

"You'll be hearing from my lawyer." The old guy said.

“Yeah, whatever.” Jacob said.

The lady went over to Bey's table.

"I'm sorry that happened." The lady said. "Are the kids okay?"

"Yeah.” Bey said looking at the kids but more so Jada whose arms were still wrapped around her neck tightly. “But we're gonna leave. It's been a long day."

She got out the booth with the kids and went to the car with Shawn. Jada kept her face in the crock of Bey’s neck as they went to the car.

Whoa, crazy right?

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