Part 5

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"You don't have to say anything." He father said. "What needs to be done?"

Shawn dapped his father.

"Right now just breakfast." He said. "Kelly is the ring leader so she'll explain it all when everyone gets here."

As they were cooking Shawn's father remembered the first time he met the kids.

~Two Weeks Ago~

Shawn's father drove up to the house and knew to go in the back yard because that's where Bey and Shawn always were. As he turned the corner that lead him to the backyard, he saw two young girls playing, one look to be maybe six, the other one was probably a year or two older, both girls looked up when he came into the view. The little one ran, which he found out later was Jada, to Beyoncé and buried her face in her neck. Shawn was trying to figure out what scared her when he saw his father and Liyah was behind him at a distance.

"What's going on and who are these kids?" He asked.

When Shawn was about to say something he heard a yelp and laughing which were from Nathan and Jalen. They were running from a very wet Aniyah. They came to a halt when they saw the unfamiliar man. They ran and came back with Kelly and Trey and Patrick.

"Daddy!" Kelly said running over to Shawn's father.

"Hey!" He said hugging her.

Kelly was one of the few friends of his son that he actually like, and the young girl had seem to have adopted him as a father, and that was okay because he had always wanted a daughter.

"Y'all it's okay." Kelly said to the kids. "This is Shawn's dad. He's not gonna harm you or take you away."

All the kids seem to relax after that except for Jada who still clung to Beyoncé.

"Patrick, I made lunch." Beyoncé said putting Jada down. "Afterwards make sure the little ones take a nap."

"Okay." He said as the kids followed him.

When the kids went in they explained everything to Shawn's father.

"These kids are gonna need a lot of attention, if you guys aren't ready to commit to this 100%, I suggest you turn them back over to the proper authorities" His father said.

They told him they hadn't called anyone yet and he thought that was a bad idea.

"We know dad, we were planning on taking them in the next morning, but while they were napping Jada had a bad dream, and we couldn't take them after that, we feared that they would put them back into the home they ran away from or that they would separate them, and Jalen will not let anyone separate him from Jada" Shawn said.

"No! No! Mommy! Mommy!" Jada's voice carried out to the deck. 

Beyoncé was up in a flash running into the room followed by the other.

When they got to the room Aniyah was trying to comfort the little girl who arms were flaying about as if she was trying to fight off an attacker. Beyoncé kneeled down on the sleeping bag next to the girl and took her into her arm, Jada seem to calm down at the woman's touch, Beyoncé began to hum and stroke the child's hair pretty soon her crying stopped and she fell asleep. Laying the child back down Beyoncé laid down next to her, Liyah who was watching all from her sleeping bag crawled over and laid down next to them.

Shawn's father knew after witnessing that he would do whatever it took to help his son and daughter-in-law keep these kids.

~End of Flashback~

"Dad! Dad!" Shawn said.

"Oh, sorry. I was just remembering when I first saw the kids. They were so scared now they’re at peace and calm." He said.

Shawn smiled hoping the kids could stay and that yesterday wasn't a setback.

When Shawn's dad question him about what happened at the diner, Shawn explained about running into Jada and Jalen's real family, about what Jalen had told him about how he and Jada ended up in foster care, and about the police and CPS officer.

They waited for everyone to wake up and the first one down was Jada carrying her stuffed animal.

"Hi Shawn's dad." She said climbing into Shawn's lap.

He smiled knowing that she warmed up to him. Soon everyone was down stairs eating. He asked Kelly what the agenda was but she was waiting for everyone to arrive.

Later that day the house was buzzing with people painting and beds being moved in and everything. Shawn and Beyoncé went down to the CPS office to become foster parents to these children. They were happy to see Mrs. Walker, the woman smiled when she saw the couple enter, she knew that they would come, she just hope that this case wouldn't fall through the crack like so many other.


Beyoncé and Shawn returned home and saw Kelly flipping through a magazine.

"How did it go?" Kelly asked.

"Not so good." Shawn said looking at a teary eyed Beyoncé.

"What happened?" Kelly asked.

"Where are the kids?" Beyoncé asked.

"The girls are in the kitchen with you, Shawn and Trey's mom and Shawn's dad, Trey and your dad took the boys out to play ball." Kelly said.

"It was okay when we first got there." Shawn started.


"I'm so glad y'all came, I thought I scared y'all away." Mrs. Walker said.

"You couldn't keep us away." Shawn said.

They sat down and got to work.

"We were able to find papers on Jalen, Jada, Nathan and Liyah. However we could not find any work on Patrick and Aniyah. The only thing we can think of is that Patrick and Aniyah might not be a legal adoption." the officer said quietly.

"Meaning?" Beyoncé asked.

"We have extended our search to the Missing Children Bureau," Mrs. Walker stated to the couple before looking down at the papers in front of her. "We can start the adoption process on the other four, but we’ll have to wait until we hear something back about Patrick and his sister."

Before Mrs. Walker could say anything else her supervisor knocked on her door and wanted to see her. She excused herself as they finished the paper work. About fifteen minutes later Mrs. Walker came back in looking sad.

"What's wrong?" Beyoncé asked scared that Patrick and Aniyah would be taken from them.

"I was just informed that Jalen and Jada's mother has filed a claim and she wants custody of her kids." She said.

"What!" Beyoncé said. "You can't give her my babies. They don't know her. We've come a long way with those kids."

Shawn tried to console Bey.

"I can't believe that you all would even consider putting those kids back into that home, she left a three year old alone to fend for herself, and on top of that she left a nine year old alone to take care of a three year old.  Who knows how long those kids would have been left alone in that apartment if that teacher hadn't went by to check on them!" Shawn said his voice rising in anger.

"Mr. and Mrs. Carter I promise my best not to let that happen." Mrs. Walker said.

~End of Flashback~

"Someone will be out tomorrow to look at the house." Beyoncé said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Kelly said. "Y'all wanna see the rooms?"

"Y'all finished?" Shawn asked.

"When Kelly's in charge things happen." Kelly said. "Shawn and Beyoncé are home!"

Jada and Liyah ran out of the kitchen straight up to Beyoncé and Shawn.

Kelly led them to the boy’s room first.

They opened the door and stood in awe.

"Kelly this is amazing." Beyoncé said.

"Wait till you see the girl’s room." She said. "Aniyah helped."

They went to the girl’s room and it was decorated in pink and brown.

"Wow, Kelly you did amazing." Beyoncé said.

They went in the living room and Kelly was telling Beyoncé all they had done when Jada and Liyah climbed up beside Beyoncé and soon they both had fallen asleep.

"I can't believe it." Ms. Joyce said.

"What?" Beyoncé said.

"We have been trying to get those two down for a nap all day, and within what?  twenty minutes of you being here they are out like a light," Ms. Gloria said not believing how quickly the girls had went to sleep.

"I can believe it." Ms. Tina said coming into the room followed by Aniyah.

"Beyoncé was the same way when she was little I would leave her with her dad, and by the time I returned home he was ready to pull his hair out, I would sit down with her and within seconds she would be asleep, I swear every time that happened Matt would swear that he was never staying at home alone with her again," Beyoncé  mom laughed as she recapped the story of her daughter growing up.

"Let me take them and lay them down." Shawn said as he grabbed Jada and then Liyah.

"Shawn put them in our room." Beyoncé said. "I can still smell the paint fumes."

Shawn went to put them down for a nap.

Dry eyes thugs, dry eyes.

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