5. Being Jennie Manoban

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"Jennie, Jennie, Jennie..." Lisa repeatedly murmurs her name as he knocks on her door.

Jennie rolls her eyes open and stifles a tired moan. What time is it and why is Lisa chanting her name outside the door?
She slams her face into her cozy pillow and drags herself up from the bed before hauling herself to the door.

She swings it open and finds Lisa's mouth halfway to finishing her name.
She glares at her. "Just try it one more time. Just, one more time." She dares her.

"Well Good morning to you too, Mrs. Manoban." She chuckles in amusement at something Jennie hasn't figured out yet.

She doesn't say anything back to her and she frowns.

"This is the part where you greet me back, Jennie."

She rolls her eyes. "Good Morning, Lisa."

Her shiny smile returns. "How did you sleep?"

'Omg, your bed is so soft! I literally floated in my sleep and had the most wonderful, wonderful, extremely marvelous night ever!!!' Her subconscious shrieks in excitement.

"I slept okay." She boils the enthusiasm in her head down.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. Today is going to be a busy day, so please freshen up quickly and meet me downstairs." She has a look of horror on her face as she reaches for Jennie's hair and smoothens the mess down.

"Get away from me Lisa." She murmurs, trying to be nonchalant that she probably looks like a scarecrow in front of her.

Damn, Jennie. This is not your house where you can afford to wake up and walk out looking like a rag doll. She chastises herself inwardly for her lack of foresight. Lisa looked so angelic in front of her and she in return looked like she could be Chuckie's character in Child's Play.

"Okay, Nini." She giggles and tucks her hands behind her before walking away.

"Downstairs, one hour." She continues to walk away leaving a scowling Jennie to herself.

She could be so obnoxious sometimes-but in a sweet and adorable way. She waves her thoughts concerning her aside as she began to wonder what could be so busy about today. Wasn't she just supposed to get pregnant, lie around for nine months and then pop the baby out?

She takes out a yellow sundress from her dresser and lays it out on the bed before heading to the bathroom to shower. She is shocked when she stares at herself in the mirror and notices the mess on her head-that bed must have been really comfy. Her hair could be a bird's nest if she pleased.
She shook her head as she giggled. Poor Lisa, it was so terrible of her to subject her to such gruesomeness.

She quickly retrieves a brush and attempts to tame her loaded mane. After a few minutes of dragging, pulling and three squirts of leave-in conditioner, she finally succeeds. She sighs deeply as she ties her hair into a ponytail. She quickly slips on her sundress as she checks the wall clock, not wanting to be a repeated offender of lateness. One more thing, she thinks to herself as she rushes to the closet and slips on a pair of sandals. She checks herself one more time in the imperially carved mirror that hangs above her dresser before she exits her room and heads downstairs.

 She checks herself one more time in the imperially carved mirror that hangs above her dresser before she exits her room and heads downstairs

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