Chapter Twenty-Six

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Stella look at Kelly 'what she on about that you the father of her kid? 'I don't know' Kelly turns to Bridget 'what kid?' 'I'm sorry after I left I found out I was pregnant I never told you cause I was scared cause I know you wasn't in a good place at the time and I never knew how you react' 'so why has it took this long for you to tell me' 'I was going to tell you sooner but I kept on putting it off' 'so why are you telling me now' 'he been asking a lot about his dad and it made me feel guilty that he missing out on having his dad around' 'have you got an photo of him and what his name? Bridget got a photo out to show him 'his name is Jamie' 'can I meet him?' 'Yes tomorrow at the park' Kelly agreed and then Bridget left.

Kelly was speechless all he can think about he got an son. Stella was confused she never like the idea that he got an son with someone else she was also suspicious so she suggested to Kelly to ask for an dna test Kelly agreed.

The next day Stella took Ellie to have a coffee with Brett. Brett could see that Stella was worried about something she ask Stella  what up and she told Brett about Bridget turning up and about her kid. Stella said she don't know how to react to it and she felt uncomfortable about it. Brett advise her to talk to Kelly about it.

Kelly met Bridget at the park and met his Jamie Kelly played with him and  afterwards Bridget ask him if okay to introduce Kelly as his dad and Kelly agreed.

When Stella got back to the apartment she could hear laughter and when she opened the door she saw Kelly playing happy families. Stella felt jealous when Kelly saw  he introduce Ellie to Bridget and to Jamie. Stella felt like she an outsider and decided to take Ellie to her room and said she needed a nap. Stella stayed in Ellie's room until they had gone.

When they left Kelly came in to check on Stella and ask why she never cameback out. Stella said she never wanted to and ask him did he asked for an dna test Kelly said no he don't need one as he believes her that Jamie his son. Kelly could see that Stella wasn't happy and told him that he should of ask for an dna test before letting her introduce him as his son. Kelly told Stella he trust her and accuse Stella of being jealous and told Stella that he going to the park again and he was going take Ellie with him to meet her brother . Stella said no and ordered Kelly to get an dna test first. Kelly and Stella started arguing and Kelly storm out.

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