Chaper Twenty-one

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Kelly phone off up straight jay came with some others. They took statements and they checking the apartment for fingerprints asking neighbours if they saw anything. Jay ask them if anything was missing they both said no nothing seem to be missing. While they was finishing Kelly notice that Stella never looked well he made her sit and got her some water and phone Brett he was worried about all this stress this was causing Stella. Just then Stella started calling Kelly name 'what honey?' 'I don't feel well' just then Stella collapse  Kelly rush other to her and shouted at the cops to ring and ambulance. Kelly kept on calling stella name to try to wake her up. After 10  minutes Stella started to come around and then Brett came and ask what was going on. Kelly told her what happen. Kelly was crying he was scared. The ambulance came took Stella to med and Kelly went with her.

They got to med and Natalie and and Maggie look after Stella and April took Kelly to the waiting room. Just then Brett and the rest of 51 came.

After 2 hours of waiting Natalie came to speak to Kelly ' hey Natalie is she okay?' ' Stella and the baby okay for now.  Her blood pressure is way to high I have increase her blood pressure tablets and at the moment she is sleeping and would like he to for how long as possible. Now understand she been under a lot of stress lately you need to help reduce that stress. Her blood pressure is a major concerned so I think it in the best interest that putting Stella on complete bed rest until she the baby comes' 'bedrest in hospital or can she come home?' ' at the moment in hospital but if her blood pressure improves then might let her go home on bed rest' ' Thank you can I see her' 'yes you can but no stressing her out.

Stella woke up and Kelly promise Stella he going to sort it all out and that all 51 came in two's they made Stella feel relax she wasn't happy about being put on bedrest but knew it best for the baby afterwards Stella and Kelly talked and decided to get a new place to live and the Kelly suggested coming up with a name for the baby. After going through loads of baby names they decided on her first and second name Ellie Elizabeth Severide. Kelly spent the night with Stella in the morning he went to the canteen to get some breakfast he put an called into Matt asking for help with the others from 51 to find him a new place and help him moved he wanted it all done before the baby arrives al he put an call into Brett ask her to buy Stella some new clothes and he give them the money.

Kelly went outside for some fresh air and Renee came asking how Stella was. Kelly was angry why was she here just then jay turns up and arrest Renee. The other cops took her away jay explained that they manage to find out that Renee hacked into Stella phone and sent the messages also after looking at bank statements and talking to Tyler they found out Renee paid Tyler off to be there that night and to tell Kelly he the dad. Also they found evidence that she smash up the apartment.

Kelly went to tell stella she was happy  that she been caught

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