Chapter Seventeen

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Stella was on the floor crying shouting for Kelly and then they was another sharp pain. She grabbed her phone and tried to phone Kelly but she wasn't answering. She really needed him now. She phone Brett who was with Casey 'Brett I need you to come over now please there something wrong with the baby' 'of course is Kelly with you?' ' No we had had an argument and he walked out on me Brett I help me please I think I having contractions it can't come yet it too early' 'Stella I'm with Casey we both be there as fast as we can me' Casey and Brett both arrived and got Stella to med.

Brett and Casey both tried to phone Kelly while Natalie was with Stella but he was answering. Natalie came out said we manage to stop the contractions and told them she needs plenty of rest and she needs to be avoiding anymore stress and she can go and see her.

Brett and Casey went into see Stella. She ask if the manage to get hold of Kelly they told her they haven't. Stella told them what happen with Tyler and how Kelly walked out. Stella couldn't understand about how Tyler got those messages and they the baby can't be his as she never slept with him. Casey and Brett was both puzzle Casey decided to phone jay from pd and tsaid he will come to med right away. Casey left Brett with Stella and said he going to find Kelly.

Kelly was at an bar drink he was rather drunk and then a women tap him on the shoulder he turn around and saw it was Renee. Kelly told her to get lost and went to leave he was so drunk he couldn't walk properly let alone know what was going on Renee followed him and help him into a taxi and took he back to hers.

Jay came and spoke to Stella. Jay took Stella phone to take it back for it to be look at also he was going to get a restraining order that he not aloud to come near Stella also he was going to speak to him.

Stella was worried and scared and felt so alone when Brett ask her what wrong Stella said she thought her and Kelly was strong together but obviously not for him to just walk out on her. She also ask Brett if she can stay at hers until she sorts herself out.

Kelly and StellaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant