Chapter 32

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Catarina's POVI see Leo and I go up to him and give him a hug

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Catarina's POV
I see Leo and I go up to him and give him a hug."I miss you"I say with a pout and he smiles."But you saw me last period"Leo says with a smirk. "Well I miss your presence"I say with a smile."I have to tell you something" Leo says and I look at him confused. "Is it good or bad news?"I ask and he gives me a sad smile."It's bad news"Leo says."Don't tell me you're breaking up with me?I mean we barely got back together-"I started rambling and Leo cut me off."It's not mom found a better job in the United States...and it's the biggest opportunity for her and us"Leo says and I look down at the ground sadly.Leo notices and brings my face up."Hey we could still do long distance we don't have to end it"Leo says and I shake my head."They don't work out Leo...and I mean when am I ever going to see you again"I say. "Look let's just keep this relationship going ok,let's pretend this didn't happend we can love each other before I leave"Leo says."When do you leave?"I ask."I leave on on the October 30th"Leo says and I nod sadly. "I love you"Leo says while kissing me and I kiss back.I hug him and smile at him."I love you too"I say."Sorry to interrupt this beautiful disgusting moment but can I borrow Cata for a second"Lucrecia says while pulling me towards her."What is it?"I ask and she smiles."I got us invited to the new girls house"Lucrecia says and I shake my head."Lu what are you planning?" I ask and she smirks."Nothing but I expect you at my house"Lucrecia says and walks away but stops."Also bring Champaign"Lucrecia says and walks away.I go back to Leo and hug him. "What was that about?"He asks and I shake my head.

Lucrecia and I arrive at the new girls house."She can't be living here?"I ask and Lucrecia shrugs."Lucrecia and Catarina welcome"The new girl which is name Cayetana says."Hey"Lucrecia and I respond at the same time. Cayetana greets us and I give her a smile."How are you?"Lucrecia asks. "Good,what about you?"Cayetana says."Your house looks beautiful" Lucrecia says while looking around. "Yeah...shall I give you a quick tour?or would that be distasteful?"Cayetana says while petting her dog."Well we brought champagne"I say while Lucrecia and I raise the champagne bottles."Let's open them inside come on"Cayetana says while we go and walk towards her house.
"That's the pitches,Imelda's territory...I couldn't live without her, look at what she made for us"Cayetana says while showing us around her house.She keeps talking and showing us but I don't listen because I get a text from Leo.


Are you coming to Marina's ceremony?

Yes I just with Lucrecia I'll be going shortly

Ok well take care I love you💖

I love you too💖

A ring gets my attention and Lucrecia and I look at each other and then towards Cayetana."Are you expecting someone?"Lucrecia and I say. Cayetana opens the door and Valerio comes in with Guzman."Hey there!" Valerio says with a big smile."What are you doing here?"Lucrecia asks. "No party without us!"Valerio says while kissing my cheek."There is no party here,Valerio.We are going to have a snack."I say."A snack...a party, they are both the same thing"Valerio says while opening his arms.Lucrecia rolls her eyes and turns to Guzman. "Hello"Lucrecia says and Guzman holds up a blunt."Are you serious?" Lucrecia asks with a scowl and Guzman shrugs."Well this wasn't part of the plan"I say and Lucrecia nods. "Valerio always has to ruin everything"Lucrecia says while rolling her eyes."What's in there?" Cayetana asks and Valerio holds up a bag of coke and weed."The best inside"Valerio says while shaking them and I look at Valerio with a 'are you serious?' face.
Guzman pops a bottle which makes Lucrecia and I flinch as we feel our dresses getting wet."Guzman I'm fed up with your shit!Are you crazy or what?"Lucrecia says."Guzman you can't be doing this your sisters ceremony is hours away"I say and he ignores me.Lucrecia and I turn to each other and then to Cayetana. "I'm sorry.They're trashing your house.I swear,I'll kick them out"Lucrecia says.  "That's all right!This is my third Negroni,I'm already numb.I don't feel anything or suffer so..."Cayetana says. "Well cheers for that,darling"I say while we hold up our drinks.Valerio comes out of a room with a door. "Seriously,Valerio?"Lucrecia says in disbelief."Whoever guesses what I'm wearing under this robe gets €100." Valerio says and I roll my eyes. "Please,Valerio"Lucrecia says while rolling her eyes."Which by the way,fits me...How do I look"Valerio says while strutting."It fits perfectly. That color suits you......Me!I'll go first
"Cayetana says."You!"Valerio says while pointing at her."Nothing you are naked"Cayetana says while smiling."No.You"Valerio says and then points at Guzman."Underwear" Guzman says."No.Lu?It's your turn" Valerio says and I take a sip of my drink."I know but I'm not playing" Lucrecia says.Valerio turns to me and smirks."What about you since you know me so well Cata"Valerio says."A sock"I say while randomly looking at my drink."It's all yours,young lady!She guessed it!"Valerio says while giving me the money.Cayetana then starts untying his robe and reveals he only has a sock.Lucrecia and I look away."Seriously,Valerio!"I say."It's nothing you haven't seen my love" Valerio sayd while dancing. "Valerio,are you serious?Put it back on!"Lucrecia says.I sigh and get a text message from Leo.I stand up and put my drink down and get my things."I have to go I'll see you over there"I say while giving Lucrecia a kiss on the cheek goodbye."Leaving so soon" Valerio says."Ofcourse I have something important to do"I say while walking away.

I arrive at Marina's ceremony and greet everyone and go towards where Leo was.I kiss him and greet Polo and Ander."Do you know where Guzman is?"Polo asks and I nod."He's at Cayetana's house"I say and they look at me confused."Who?"Ander asks. "The new girl"I say and they look at each other."What is he doing over there?"Leo asks and I sigh."He's not ok....he's been getting into drugs"I say and Leo hugs me.
What she wears

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