Chapter 20

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Catarinas POV
Right now I'm comforting Guzman and Marina.Lu is rubbing his shoulders and we are all gathered around him."Don't worry it's just a jail payment to get him out"Lu says."How much are they asking for"Carla asks and Guzman puts his head up."three hundred million"He says.I just zone out and think of Marina and if she is still going on with her plan when her dad is in jail.
Carla comes up to me and clenches her jaw."I swear I'm going to kill her"Carla says and I look at her questionable."Who"I ask."Marina she took one of my dad's valuable watches that has a USB and has files of my dad's business with her dad and id it falls into the wrong hands we would all be fucked"She says and I look at her."Is my dad involve in this"I ask and she shakes her head no."No your dad has business with our dad's but he is not involve in 'that'"She says and I nod and hug her.
I am laying down in my bed with Leo.I am laying in his chest and I could hear his heart beat."I heard what Nano did"Leo says and I look at him."He told you"I asked and he nods."Yeah and he told me about Carlas dad and Marinas"He said."Honestly if I'm being honest I don't think Marina is doing the right decisions right now"I say and he kisses my forehead."I heard they are all going to try to convince her to give them the watch"He says and I shake my head.I pull the covers closer to me and smile."Cata I need to I interrupting something"Marina says while walking in."Uhmm no let me change"I say and get up to put on my clothes.We both finish puttin on clothes and I open the door to see Marina and I let her in."What's up"I ask and she hugs me."I need advice"She says and Leo stands up."Do you want me to leave you two alone"Leo asks and she shakes her head."You could stay.....Uhmm I feel like I'm letting everybody brother who gives me everything and my bestfriend....samuel..
and Nano"Marina says with tears on her eyes and I wipe them away."Hey its ok everything is fine but let me tell you the truth...What you are doing is wrong and I don't think it's right but I know that you won't listen to me so I will tell you to do what you think is right"I say and she nods while hugging me.

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