Chapter 9

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Continuation of Chapter 8
I leave Fernando' s class and go to the hallways."Hey"I hear someone behind me and I turn around and see it's Marina and I sight and roll my eyes.Before I can walk away She grabs my hand."I'm sorry..ok...I don't even know why I didn't deside to tell you...I know it was wrong for me to keep that a secret but everyone misses you...I have talked to my brother and he misses you too and he wants you back and I need my bestfriend back"She says and I see the sadness in her eyes and I take a deep breath."I forgive you...but I don't know if I could trust you again"I say and she nods giving me a hug.I feel someone behind us and I turn around and see Ander,Polo,Guzman,Lucrecia, and Carla."What are you doing here"I ask them."We just wanted to apologize"Ander says and I nod slowly."I understand and forgive you Ander,Polo,and Carla but I can't forgive you Lucrecia and Guzman"I say."Querida let's leave the past in the past"Lucrecia says with a smile and I roll my eyes and I see Leo and I walk off and go to him."Hey"I greet him and he smiles at me."Hey what's up"He asks."Do you want to get lunch"I ask him and He nods."Yeah"He says and we walk off.This is the only person I trust right now to be honest.
"I would really love to go to their concert one day"Leo says and I smile while sipping on my drink."Don't worry one day that will come true "I say with an idea coming up into my mind and I smile."I can't I don't have that much time and money"He says and I shake my head."don't worry I will take care of that"I say with a smile."What are you planning"Leo asks and I shake my head smiling."It's a secret"I say with a wink and he smiles."you with your secrets"Leo says and I laugh.

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