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Arrows POV
It's been 5 years since I had eutopia. Later I had Arrow, Luna, and Winter my youngest.
Eutopia-10 yrs
Arrow- 5 yrs
Luna- 3 yrs
Winter- 1 yrs
We loved them so much. Eutopia was a strange child though. She went from blonde hair and green eyes to brown hair and brown eyes. She was still beautiful but I mean that was a little weird. I was 24 and my loving husband is 26. His band is world wide now. It's called Death. It's not as dark as you think trust me. I thought that it was a great band. We were always on the road now though. We even had a two story tour bus because of our girls. They loved their daddy's concerts haha.

I looked at the girls playing with band dolls. They really like one direction. Haha. Me and Mel always joked around since our kids were nothing like us. Well eutopia was. She was the only daddy's girl. The others had a soft heart for their mommy but I didn't mind. Eutopia had blue hair when she was little but she has brown hair now. She loves band tees from kellin Vic and Haley. Also mine she wore them everyday I loved it but I always had to remember that she was ten, she was kinda outcastes by her sisters. Because they were more bubble goth while eutopia was just emo. I always took her with me though. "Hey topi wanna go with daddy to get ready to sing?" She was a great dancer. She always went and danced with the others so much she attended practice. "Sure daddy do I need my outfit for tonight?" I nodded she went and got them and jumped in my arms. "Okay let's go."

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