Chapter 1

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My name is Lexi Hanson and I go to Prescott academy, it's this private school for boys and girls. some may say I'm stunning but no one ever notices me unless I want them to. I'm 17 years old and the best was to describe myself is as a nobody.

First lets get this clear I'm not a loner, I just prefer to keep to myself, if anyone finds out who I am, it will change everything

I looked into my mini mirror one last time, my blonde hair was straightened to perfection and my blue eyes shone

Today is gonna be my first day at Prescott academy the fanciest school in the world.

"Do you have everything" asked Michael as he picked up my bags

"Yup" I said as I got out of the car

"How am I gonna live without my best friend" said Michael

"You'll survive" I said as I grabbed my bags from him

"I'm gonna miss you so much" he said

"Me too but I will visit when I can" I said

"Remember that" he said

"Okay bye" I said as I made my way to the entrance of the academy

"Hi I'm here for my schedule and dorm number" I said as I walked into the office

"What's your name dear" asked the secretary

"My names Lexi Hanson" I said and she began to look through her files

"Here you go" she said as she handed me papers and a room key

"Thanks" I said as I grabbed them

"Give me one second and I'll get you someone to show you to your room, this school is very big and can get very confusing" she said as she pressed a button which I guess paged someone

A few minutes later a guy walked in, he had blonde hair and blue eyes and was wearing the school uniform, I would be lying if I would say he wasn't hot

"Yes what do you need me for" he asked as he approached the secretary

"I would like you to show Ms Hanson to her dorm" she said

"Sure" he said as he turned around

"Hi I'm Luke" he said

"Hi I'm Lexi" I said as we walked into the hallway

"What room number" he asked

"Uhh... 263" I said

"Okay, follow me" he said as he lead the way to the elevator

"So what made you come to Prescott academy" he asked

"We'll it seemed interesting and was very well known so I applied" I said

"Cool, so floor 6 and 5 are dorm floors" he said as the elevator opened up to dorm 6

"Cool" I said

"Floor 6 is for girls only and floor 5 guys only" he said as we made our way through the hallway

I noticed a lot of girls staring at Luke, I get it he's cute but seriously you could be a little more descret about it

"263" he said as we stopped at my dorm number

"Thanks" I said as I leaned against the door

"No problem, I'll see you around" he said then turned around and walked away

I opened the door and walked into the room, there was two beds with a closet and desks and a door which I'm guessing led to the bathroom. I saw this girl sitting down on the bed she had brown hair with purple highlights and from what I noticed so far she loved 5 seconds of summer, emblem 3, paramore and plenty of other bands because there were posters everywhere on her side of the wall.

"Hi I'm Lexi, I'm your new roommate" I said as I put down my bags

"Oh hi I'm Antonella but people call me Ella " she said

"Cool" I said as I sat on my bed

"Do I know you from somewhere" she asked looking me up and down

"N-no" I stuttered nervously

"Have you ever been on TV" she asked

"Never" I said hoping she would just let it go

"Oh okay, why don't you unpack then I'll show you where your classes are" she said

"Sure" I said as I began to unpack and she put her headphones on and began to listen to some music

"This is the music room" said Ella as we passed a room

" Cool" I said

"This is the cafeteria" said Ella as we walked in

I looked around my eyes landed on a boy, he had brown hair and was tall and I immediately grabbed Ella and we hide behind a plant that was nearby

"What the--" said Ella but I cut her off

"Shh" I said as I watched the boy pass by with a group of friends

"What is he doing here" I asked pointing to the back of the guy

"Him, he's Derek the schools badboy, he's also the son of the co owner of winters central" said Ella

"Oh, I just ......" I said starting to panic

"Just what" she asked

"It's Drew from emblem 3" I screamed and Ella started to look around frantically

"Where" she asked

"Oh false alarm" I said

"Oh okay, why don't we go grab something to eat then we can go to the dorm" said Ella

"Sure" I said as we grabbed a tray

----------- a few hours later----------

"So how long have you been going to Prescott academy" I asked when we entered our dorm

"This is gonna be my second year" she said

"Cool, is there anything I should know about" I asked curiously

"Not much, there's the populars so watch out for them, but most of all Derek he's just trouble" she said

"Oh okay" I said as I climbed into bed

"Goodnight" said Ella

"Goodnight" I said as I turned of the lights and fell asleep


Yaa, first chapter
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