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here you guys go 😌✊

"Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"Jiminie , when have I ever been wrong ."

"when -"

"shhh don't answer it."


"shhh." Taehyung puts his finger to Jimin's lips.

"Come on , its time ." Taehyung pulls Jimin towards Yoongi's front door.

"I know he's in there , probably looking stupid. Let's go." Taehyung claps

"Jimin takes a deep breath and Bangs on the door." Taehyung pretending to be a narrator.

"Taehyung shut you face hole." Jimin knocks again.

He didn't get no answer so Jimin lifted the mat and took the key from under.

"should I be doing this" Jimin questions himself outloud.

"bitch yes now do it" Taehyungs says impatiently.

Hoseok walks up; "hey minnie, i missed you."

"Hobi?" Jimin turns around and hugs Hoseok.

" I missed you so much, were you called here too?" Jimin asks Hoseok

"yes,I don"t know why but lets find out."

Hoseok puts his hands in Jimins smaller one.


Jimin puts the key in the door and opens it.

" *gasp-* YOONGII"

a day ago

taehyung and jungkook park scene

"alright, tell me."

"finally. Okay so basically Yoongi has been trying to find a way to propose to Hoseok and Jimin but they areb always around him. He had to figure out a way to make them mad so hes just been ignoring them. When they finally started trying harder Yoongi yelled at them, Im sure Jimin told you. and that caused them all to take a 'break' from eachother."

"so basically my bestie is getting married before me." Taheyung pouts and smiles.

"hes gonna look so beautiful" Taehyung says smiling.

"so heres the plan, tomorrow-'


"yes tomorrow. I need you to bring Jimin to Yoongis house at exactly at 7, Hoseok and Jin should be coming in righ behind you. When Jimin opens the door step away and let and Hoseok walk in with him. And you will see the rest.

"really, thats so CUTE'

"exactly what I thought, I cant wait to see the look on their faces."

"ooh so thats why hobi doesnt know either, it all makes since now," Taehyung says

" I can't wait" Taehyung says .

Promise me? [under construction once again ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя