chapter twenty seven

Start from the beginning

***Caroline's Point of View***

We had finally nailed out any kinks in this plan and were about to call it a day when a girl ran into the tent. "Caroline!" she gasped out trying to catch her breath. I grabbed my water canteen and tossed it to her and she took a large gulp and nodded gratefully while catching her breath. I raise both eye brows waiting to hear what she needs to tell me. I recognize her as one of the people who signed up to do patrols in the woods that surround our village, but I can't recall her name. "Werewolves are here. They are about a quarter of a mile from the tree line." William and I exchanged glances while Jeff and Gabe both swore under their breaths. "What do they want? Has anyone talked to them?" I asked confused on what was happening. Has Xavier sent them? We had been for sure that the werewolves would not get involved. "Well...You..." she stammered trying to find the right words. "Spit it out." William ordered rather rudely. I shoot him a warning look and he rolls his eyes at me. "Your father is with them Caroline." She blurts out. "My father?" "Craig?" Jeff and I both question at the same time. She nods and continues. "There is someone else with them as well...." She trails off clearly not wanting to tell me who was with him. "Who?" I demand. "It's your mother. She appears to be the mate of the Alpha who is also here. They are heading this way now. They want to speak to you. There are about hundred wolves inside the tree line about a quarter of a mile away." She explains before fleeing from the tent. She probably thought I was going to attack her. Pretty much everyone in our village knew about my mother's treatment to me.

"Caroline?" William spoke softly, but I ignored him. "Gabe you and Jeff can leave for today. We will meet again after I meet with my father. I will send someone for you." I say flatly leaving the tent. I know William is following me, but I ignore him. How dare she come back here after all this time? I won't accept her back with open arms if that's what she thinks. I would rather die than speak to that women, let alone hug her. She left us because she thought of me as a failure of a daughter, but she was a failure of a mother. Instead of embracing me for who I am she tried to change me. I let her words affect me for too long. Landon showed me who I really am. He taught me that I am perfect that way I am. I won't let her words cause me to feel less than that. I won't forget all that Landon showed me through his love. I don't need her or her love.

I see my father first and don't pay attention to the man and that woman next to him. He probably expects me to come running to greet him, but that is not happening this time. He left to find her. I don't care why he did it. He knows what she did to me and now he has abandoned me just to find her. William stops by my side as the trio approach us. My mother is looking at me with awe in her eyes. "You look so different." She whispered. I shot her a glare "Don't talk to me." I spat out and then returned my gaze to my father. I heard the growl from her mate and before thinking I was sending him flying back into a tree trunk about forty feet away. She quickly ran to his side and helped him up. I was annoyed that he didn't even have any bruises from the impact. "Don't growl at me mutt until you have heard the entire story. I'm sure Christine" I say her name with disdain "has only given you her side of the story." I explain trying to contain my anger. She doesn't speak again just molds against his side. "Caroline, calm down." My father demands and then I suddenly feel a calm rush through me. "William!" I snap. "Stop with the brain games. It's not fair." I complain and I feel the calm leave me. "But throwing a wolf against a tree with your mind is fair?" he asked sarcastically. I snort and shove him forgetting momentarily the situation I was in.

"Where are Landon and Allison?" My father asks and my heart sinks. I can see him looking around trying to spot them and I don't know if I can handle telling him. "She has already heard the foretelling and she used her gift to send them away." Christine explains sadly. "You knew of the foretelling!?" I ask in outraged surprised. My father's face was pale. "I was too late." He muttered. "You knew as well?!" I cried. Neither of them ever told me. I had the right to know as soon as I was old enough to understand. They had no right to keep this from me. "How dare you not tell me? Tell us? You knew what was going to happen to your children and you did nothing to stop it!" I roar. I feel William tense next to me. I whirl on him before he can use his gift. "Don't you dare William!" I yell right as Elizabeth enters the small circle. I take in my surroundings and notice that no one is here, probably giving us some privacy which I am thankful for. Now I can do what I have always wanted to do.

First I force William and Elizabeth to be still and not move. "Caroline." He warns when he realizes he can't move while Elizabeth just whimpers softly. I give the same treatment to Christine's mate. He growls when he realizes what is happening and my father figuring it out to takes a step towards me, but he isn't fast enough he is already forced to be still. She deserves to pay so does my father. My mother falls to her knees and she is gasping for air. So I can control air. That's good to know. I hear my name being called and yelled but I don't listen. She is on her knees in pain. Pain is what I felt all those years. She deserves this. I let her receive air and she takes in huge gulps of it. "How does that feel mother?" I sneer at her. "All those years where you ignored me and made me feel like scum. This small amount pf pain you are feeling is nothing like what I felt." She went to say something, but I stop the flow of air once again and she is again gasping while I hear multiple people yelling at me. I force their mouths closed and focus once again on Christine. I allow her to breathe again right as a herd of freaking wolves come running towards us. They picked the wrong day to mess with me.

I feel heat coursing through my body and a faint wind picks up surrounding me. I can feel my hair whipping in different directions. I can feel the fire licking me now and from the shocked expressions of the group surrounding me I must look pretty terrifying. I force my hands out and a wall of fire blocks the wolves from reaching us. I move the wall to circle us so no one can get in or out. "You were my mother and you abandoned me!" I yelled at my no sobbing excuse of a mom. "I'm don't understand." She cries. I don't want to hear her apologies though. They are just like her worthless. "You're sorry?!" I ask incredulously. "You are not sorry, but you will be." I hiss out. I feel so much rage and then I am not on the ground anymore. I am hovering over it over them. I can see the wolves surrounding the fire trying to find a weakness, but they won't find one. I also see some of my people running towards the fire. "Do not come closer!" My voice boom's echoing off the tree's. We are having a family discussion. It's almost over." I explain in the same voice. It's not my own. It's deeper and more powerful. The people slowly start backing away not willing to cross me.

I lower myself down back onto the ground and release everyone. "You are lucky I only made you hold your breath for a few minutes. The rage I felt...I still feel inside want's your blood." I seethe at the now cowering Christine who is now in the arms of her growling near shifting mate. "Caroline, your eyes? They are purple." Elizabeth exclaims walking towards me. I'm surprised she is not afraid of me after what I just did. "She is right. They changed colors." William said looking at my eyes closely. Why would my eyes randomly change colors? "It's happening. It's starting." Christine whispers, her eyes full of pain. "What's starting?" I demand. "Your task." My father answers me with a heavy sigh.



So her mom is back and obviously Caroline is not the happiest of campers. Her rage as triggered something and we find out more about what that is soon. Thank you guy's for reading and please leave a comment on any questions or thoughts you all have. I love hearing from you. Also if you like it please vote. I would really appreciate it.


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