I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. "You could at least try to get along with them, you know. The effort wouldn't kill you."

He wraps an arm around my shoulders and hugs me to him gently. "Oh, you never know. I could drop over dead at any moment."

He lets go of me and dramatically flops down backward. He closes his eyes and sticks out his tongue as he lays on his back. I giggle and let myself fall back too. The impact hurts my head and I whimper softly, touching the base of my skull with light fingertips. Will's eyes fly open and his hand darts to my shoulder to check that I'm alright.

"I'm ok, it's just my head," I assure him. He sits up and holds out a hand to help me up as well. I lean over with my elbow on my knee and hold my head in my one free hand.

"I think you're bleeding again, let me check your bandage." He reaches towards the base of my skull, but I pull back and shake my head.

"I'm fine, really. I just need to rest some, show me to my room?" I ask, straightening with a small smile and looking to him.

"I actually...um...didn't pick out a room for you." He smiles shyly and a strand of hair falls over his forehead. "I wanted to let you choose where it goes and what goes in it."

"Oh...thank you..." That's so sweet. I blink back tears at his thoughtfulness and scrub a hand across my eyes. It's been a long day, Will has been almost perfect, and there's no one I'd rather just sit and wind down with. I'm still questioning him though. His words, when we were at the house and I was making sure he knew what he was agreeing to, were more than a little frustrating. Sure he let my family live at the factory and I'm sure he's looking forward to working with Charlie, but he refused to say anything about the prospect of us.

"Of course." He wraps an arm around my shoulders and brings me closer to him. "My living quarters are on the opposite side of the factory, I want as little interaction with your family, aside from you and Charlie, as possible." Oh, he has to let that go. I tilt my head and give him a look, but he isn't looking at me. He's watching Mum and Charlie help Grandpa Joe hobble into the room marked 'Grandpa Joe & Grandma Josephina.' "Do you want to see them?"

"What?" I ask, slightly confused.

He looks down at me timidly, slightly afraid of opening himself up to me this much. "I asked if you maybe wanted to see my quarters. It's ok if you don't. You don't have to, it's really fine if you don't want to. You know what? It's a stupid idea, forget I said anything."

I lay a hand on his arm as smile plays about on my mouth. "I'd love to."

And just like that, we leave my family to settle in with the help of the Oompa Loompas. Will helps me to the elevator and I see the "Bedroom" button again. Will's about to press it when he sees me looking and offers to let me push it. I do and he smiles happily down at me.

The elevator starts up and whizzes us to the other side of the factory. Will wasn't lying when he said he made their living arrangements far away from his. The elevator stops in a hallway with only one door. The door is turquoise and pentagon shaped which makes me laugh. He just can't have a normal four sided door, there has to be five sides.

Will smiles at my laugh and helps me to the door. He sets me down and pulls out a necklace with a key on the end from inside his shirt. He unlocks the door and pushes it open, letting me go first.

The instant I'm inside, my breath is stolen right from my lungs. There's an absolutely beautiful organized chaos in front of me. It's a very large room, but like an entire house condensed into that one room. Oh, at it's a circle. Yeah, the entire room is a giant circle. I see a kitchen of sorts to my right which bleeds into a mechanical workshop which blends into a small lounge area which transitions quite smoothly into a bedroom section. There's another pentagon door immediately to my left which I assume is the bathroom, but it's closed. There are tini inventions lying on shelves and all sorts of strange things on the kitchen counter.

Rising Dawn (Willy Wonka X OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt