Could they, would they know the ways to restore his family's glory like those war-age days?

He was certain, even though he never had approached her personally, to ask such things. After all, the sentiments brought upon by the Princess' s camp seemed to favour other businesses. His business would surely not flourish in this peaceful day and he knew he could not convince those ladies otherwise.

"I...I would need some times to think and decide", that was all Jackel could reply.

As the men from the council unraveled and gauged the suitors' interests, they departed from them with a note to each of the men, bearing details of their names and where to find them if they ever considered to seek help or guidance 'navigating' during their stay here.

When the men left the suitors, and the five young men had ensured they were all gone, Neville spoke first, "Well, they were rather upfront about it".

"Huh? They were so roundabout in convincing me, if you ask me" said Dylan, rattled by the fact that Collins mentioned not only about his Mother, but now his younger half-brother's development. Oh Mother would not be pleased when the week here was ending and he had nothing worthy to report.

Neville, Zuber and James were not excluded from being tempted to consider making friendly relation with those lot of men.

Collins even whispered to Neville and Zuber on offering ways to tempt the Princess.

For Neville, it was the truth.

The truth behind the goal of his assassination attempt.

Even James was also been offered to have tea to discuss researches on 'advancing humanity' of some sorts which spoke a different intention than advancing society.


Sir Homes, Princess Fina and Captain Scarlet seemed to have reached the dining hall earlier for tea. They were continuing their talks from the Council just now and also were simply catching up on each others' days.

"In all honesty, dear child", Homes' eyes twinkled as he addressed Fina like his own, "Is there any men among the young suitors who is to your liking?"

Fina only chuckled, "It's too soon to tell Sir".

Homes only laughed, "Are you sure?" he teased. "That Prince Neville, he seemed not bad".

"Father wanted him dead, remember?"

"But it seemed my child here didn't want him to", he looked over Scarlet with gentleness. He showed no anger or disappointment if she failed to assassinate a person. It was better that way.

But Scarlet always took that remark as a reminder of her incompetence on the job. And maybe it was. After all, she knew Sir Homes always tried to prove, albeit tiringly, that the battlefield and warfare were not for the fainthearts and not supposedly for young ladies, and that if she could not honor the King's order, it would reflect poorly on her rise to Generalship.

"Well Uncle Elias 'wanted' him dead before, the King seemed indifferent seeing the Prince is well", Scarlet replied. "Apart from his inadequacy in the skills of breathing underwater, he seemed like a nice fellow. For now".

"He seemed nice", Fina nodded in agreement.

Scarlet then raised as she remembered something, "I would love to have James to participate in those healing and treatment sessions at the academy. His knowledge in concoction-makings are very much valuable".

"James? The one who poisoned you?"

Scarlet's eyes widened as she wanted to stop Fina from speaking any further...

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