"Jack!" You called out, hearing his frantic footsteps scrambling along the wood floor as he ran from your bedroom. He stopped near your feet, catching sight of the dog leash in your hand. This caused him to jump up excitedly, his paws pressing against your stomach in a way that forced you to stumble back a bit, a laugh escaping from you as you felt his claws poke through your navy shirt.

"Calm down, calm down." You pushed him off, giggling some more as you saw his stubby tail waving from the excitement. "I know you like going to the park, but please Jacky, I'm running out of shirts that don't have holes in them from your endless excitement." You kneeled down, reaching for the metal hooks on his brown leather collar.

A firm knock on the door grabbed both of your attentions, your head turning towards the door in question. Jack's ears stood up as he appeared to have switched from an excited dog ready to go to the park to an alert dog ready to attack the danger behind the door.
His low growl was enough to send a shiver down your spine, your hand lowering to the ground to quietly place the dog collar down.

"Stay." You firmly whispered to Jack, standing up slowly as you reached for the remote on the counter, pressing the button to shut off the TV before beginning to approach the door. You hesitated looking through the peep hole, the last thing you were expecting to have was visitors at this time of day. You knew it wasn't Leon, he had his own set of keys to open the door himself.

You finally looked through the peephole, your mind flooding with surprise as you saw the ever familiar muscular figure of a man you hadn't seen in years. He looked different, a new haircut perhaps, and a bit more tan maybe. He was dressed in a typical BSAA uniform, making you have a faint idea on what he was here for.

A short, slim woman was standing next to him, appearing to hold something by her side. This woman you've never seen before, her short brown hair and light eyes were unfamiliar. You worried a whole lot less, knowing that if she was with him, their was nothing to worry about.

You took a deep breath, your hands automatically adjusting your shirt, pulling down your grey sleeves and fixing your hair from any flyaways to appear a bit more presentable.

You grabbed the lock on the door, looking back at Jack who was fully facing the door, his stern glare almost humorously reminding you of the man he was named from. "Stay." You ordered, making sure he at least heard you before you turned the lock, using your other hand to turn the door knob before opening it.

Your eyes immediatly connected with Chris, his lips forming a warm smile the second he laid his eyes on you. His eyes the last time you had seen them were filled with anger and hate, but now they were flooded with warmth and kindness, just the expressions that were normal when it came to meeting an old friend.

"(Y/N)," he smiled, your own smile forming as a response to his. "Chris." You huffed a small chuckle, feeling your shoulders relax. "It's been so long."

"It has, Huh?" He nodded his head a bit, his smile never dropping. "You look great (Y/N), it's nice to see you alive and well."

"Same with you," you agreed, seeing Chris turn his attention towards his female partner, "(Y/N), this is Rebecca. She's actually quite excited to meet you."

You showed a smile to Rebecca, seeing her bring her hand up to show a small wave. "Hello," she smiled, proceeding to hold out her hand towards you, "It's so nice to finally meet you, I've heard so many great things about you."

"About me huh?" You took her hand, giving it a firm shake. "At least you were told good things. Come on in." You stood aside, allowing Rebecca to walk inside first before Chris followed, allowing you to close the door. You were glad you cleaned this morning, seeing how both of them looked around in their normal curiosity.

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil VendettaWhere stories live. Discover now