Untold Story

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Where did we go wrong?

Seulgi’s POV

Our love story starts from being a good friend to lovers. All of my friends warned me about your past. That you are known as a cheater and plays around. You change your partner like you are changing your clothes. But I ignored it all because I know it all I am there when you have break ups. I always listened to your side. That’s why I choose to ignore it all.

“Hey Seul are sure that you want to have a relationship with Irene” Wendy asked me
“yes why is there any problem that I will be having a relationship with Irene.” I felt that she’s being over protective to me.

“I know you know that you know that she is a play girl. Her longest relationship is about three months and her shortest is about a day. She has this kind of reputation that she is never satisfied about a relationship. She's like a broken glas that might hurt you at the end.” I understand that she is just concern about me but it’s still my destination to make.

"I think that I can handle this Wendy. And thank you for your concern Wendy we've been friends for the longest time and you know me I like to fix broken things." I give her a reassuring smile for not her to worry.

Our friends thought that we would get married after we have a stable job. They were happy to see us from being Best friends to lovers. My friend approach me that they have observed that you have change. Your bad habits have change you don’t play around anymore.

"Seulgi how are you and Irene doing." Joy asked me.

"Oh our relationship are still strong. We have argument but what kind of relationship doesn't have any arguments and misunderstanding."

"Yes you are correct. So when will you get married?”

"We've talked about it about a few times now. After we helped our family in the financially. And we have a stable job that's When we will get married."

"That's great Seulgi. I thought that she's just gonna play with with you just like her other relationship. But I'm proud of her that she stayed loyal to you."

"Well everyone can change if they really love someone you know?"

We were happy. We have a great foundation for our relationship. We already have a plan for our future. Our happiness our not based on material things, we never asked each other for expensive gifts. We are satisfied with cheap foods, cheap dates, and we never demand for gifts. We are contented by staying by our side when we have problems.

That's what they've all thought. They always think that we have the most steady and smooth and sailing relationship. But they don't know that we really started rough and we ended tragic.

Yes we started as a good friend, Best of friends to be exact. That's why I know all of your past relationships.

One day you came to me talking about breaking up with your current boyfriend because he's very insane and possesive. She wants you to wear inappropriate clothes and other stuff that you don't like. So I told you to break it off. But then I noticed your actions towards me become different. You always hugged. Cling into me and other sweet stuff.

"Seulgi I missed you." Irene saud and hugged me very tight.

"I miss you too bunny"

"You know what I wish you could be my girlfriend so that I won't get hurt anymore." She said to. How I wish you could but your still in a relationship with that bastard.

"Ok I'm your girlfriend now." I joked to her.

Until one Day you said you already break it off with your ex and you confess to me that you like me. It's thhe happiest day of my life. After a week you told me that you'll gonna hung out with your friends and you'll stay over there for the night.

The next day you confess to me that your ex followed she there because she's a cousin of of your friend and she also stayed over. It made me insane we almost broke up but I've decided to let it slide.

Fast forward to a year without any problem. Until Irene accused me that I'm cheating. But in reality she's just got jealous over my new friend. So I did the adjustment. I distance my self from the person you are getting jelous at.

We're going smoothly until another bump we encountered. Irene cheated again. And it's not a simple form. Sexual conversation, sending naked photos, going on dates. It's fucking disgusting. It made me anxious, paranoid it makes me go crazy and mad. Not at her but mad at myself for forgiving you and giving another chance.

As the time goes by our relationship become sweet and bitter at the same time. Our fights become worse. Cussing, physically and mentally hurting each other. And the worst part you and your disloyalty. I didn't know what makes us hold into each other at that time.

Our rough relationship turned into a toxic one. Yes we're not demanding for anything material. But the both of us became greedy of time physical attention and Love. We want to feel again the love that we felt before. But now we are just eating each other.

"I need to talk to you Seulgi"
"Ok what is it."
"We should break up right now." I nod in response.
"We are just consuming each other. We become tied to each other. I want to break Free again Seulgi." A bittier smile cracked into my face.
"Ok" that's the only thing that I can say.
"Don't worry I still love you I'll come back to you if everything goes well." And for the last time she kissed my lips

After a week of crying drinking and smoking. A heartbreaking news came to me. You're already in a relationship. Well I guess I old habits never die.

I drown my self into drinking. Wine, vodka, beer name it I've drinked it. Smoking habits become worse and all pilled up. Stress from work and heart. I felt like breaking down and loose control of my life.

I've been drinking alone waiting for Wendy at a bar. I'm already drunk when she came. As she sit down we drink until I want to go home.

"Hey seul it's okay just forget her."
"It's har almost eight years of relationship. That's not easy to forget." Wendy hugged me while I'm sitting at the gutter of a road. My tears started to fall from my eyes. And I goes the skies felt sad and cried with me all night.

Present time I'm still single and Irene she's with a man i don't know when will they brake up.

That's the untold story

The end

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