chapter 26

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again two in one day wow

Izuku opened his eyes and then immediately closed them again because it was bright. " Izuku?" someone asks, Izuku makes a little groaning noise but opened his eyes and saw three people.

" ah, great Izuku can you speak," Aizawa asks

" yah," Izuku says sitting up and looking around, he heald his head and felt Hitoshi ruffle his hair. Izuku moved his head away and looked up at Hitoshi confused.

" you scared us back there bud," Yamada says.

" who....who are you?" he asks. " where am I?" he asks. Before he could ask any more questions the doctor came in.

" ah welcome back to the land of the how are you feeling Izuku?" the doctor asks.

" My head hurts," he says " I don't know where I am, what's going on where am I?" he asks. The doctor scribbles something down and hums to himself.

" I'm going to be straight forward with all of you, Izuku you are quirkless, we believe that they have been taken from you, someone used some sort of memory quirk so you couldn't say exactly what happened." he says " the quirk might have gone too far back we don't know if your memories will come back...we are still running some tests," the doctor says. Izuku looks at the other three in the room. They looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on who they were.

" so you're saying there is a possibility of Izuku remembering," Aizawa asks, The doctor nodded.

" its a 50/50 chance," The doctors say's " we need to run a few more tests," he says looking at Izuku. Izuku didn't know what to say so he kept his mouth shut, all he really wanted to do was cry but he wasn't going to do that in front of these strangers.

" izuku I know you don't remember me but my name is Hitoshi, I'm your brother and they are your parents," Hitoshi says pointing to Yamada and Aizawa " we are going to try everything we can to get your memories back," he says. Aizawa and Yamada go out in the hall to talk to the doctor.

" o-ok," Izuku says " my name is Izuku I'm guessing," izuku says. Hitoshi smiled a bit and nodded but then the door slammed open causing izuku to squeak. Bakugou was at the door.

" deku!" he yelled izuku looked at bakugou blankly

" kacchan?" Izuku asks. Hitoshi looked at him

" you know him?" Hitoshi asks, Izuku shakes his head

" I don't know, I know it sounds weird but I feel like I do and I feel like I call him kacchan when he called me deku I just knew," Izuku says. Bakugou walks over to him.

" whats this I head about you losing your memory nerd?" he asks. " your too smart for that," he says. Izuku smiled a bit.

" you don't change," he says " where is the red guy, I don't know why but when I was at that place he seemed pretty upset," Izuku says talking about Kirishima.

" he's at school with the other nerds, do you know anything else?" bakugou asks

" no how did you even get in here?" Hitoshi asks looking at bakugou.

" no one lets me go anywhere I just do," bakugou says. This caused Izuku to laugh slightly.

"감사합니다" ( thank you) he whispers


after a couple of months, Izuku had started remembering, little things at first like the names of the family's cats, or his favorite katsudon restaurant, then it grew to people and eventually, he remembered most everything. he still just didn't know what happened that night. He didn't ever become a hero though. He couldn't stay in the course because he couldn't fight so be became the next best thing...

( haha this isn't the last chapter but there is an epilog hehe and maybe a 2ed book)

also, hate to do this again BUT if Izuku was not a hero what would he end up being?




other ( and if other what?)

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