chapter 25

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Izuku didn't know where he was going but they were at a door, Tomura knocked on it and waited for a second before he heard someone say come in. Izuku wasn't dragged in this time but rather thrown inside the room. He hissed at the impact of the floor. He looked around and saw a man, he didn't really look like a man because be didn't have a face.

" Hello, there boy," All for one says. Izuku tried to use his quirk but he couldn't he looked very confused and the man chuckled. " That won't work, I canceled your quirks so they cant be used on me...kind of like your fathers"

"w-what do you want," Izuku says, "제발 난 아무것도하지 않았다" ( Please I didn't do anything) Izuku says happy that at least he could still speak, even if it was another language, he didn't know if the other man could understand him or not.

" Ah Korean, I have a translator quirk too, it's helpful for watching movies, but that's not the point, you did do something," All For one says looking at Izuku again.

" Jag förstår into" (I don't understand) Izuku says. " I don't know what I've done to you or what you want with me, I'm just a normal teenage kid," he says.

" you were supposed to be quirkless, and that's what you're going to be," All for one says reaching out to grab izuku, he froze as the hand inched forward

" Proszę" ( please) he says


" so you're telling me that you and Kirishima are the UA traitors and the villain have izuku and they want to do something with his that what your telling me?" Aizawa asks.

" yes sir," Denki says looking down

" I'm too old for this, ok I'm going to go get some pro's and we will deal with you when we get back," Aizawa says. He watched the teachers leave and he sighed, then he heard a thud and looked up at bakugou who was being restrained by Kirishima and Hitoshi was also standing there.

" PIKACHU RIP OFF WHERE THE FUCK IS DEKU!" Bakugou yells. Denki looked over at them with a nervous smile.

" o-oh hey guys...long time no see"

" kaminari we saw you earlier today," Hitoshi says.

"oh I am not allowed to tell you that information you know scouts honor," Denki says.

" Denki what came first the chicken or the egg," Hitoshi asks

" BOTH!" Denki says before stopping " bitch no" he says before Hitoshi activated his quirk.

" Denki where is izuku," Hitoshi asks again.

" Follow me," he says as he started walking out the door, Todoroki and bakugou looked at each other and then Hitoshi reminding themselves to not ever talk back to him and they started following Denki.


Izuku felt.....he felt.....







where was he?


When the hero's got the place Denki said to go it was empty, no sign of villains, or nomu anywhere but there were to people out front Kirishima and Izuku sat outside. Izuku looked mentally drained and sleep-deprived while Kirishima was crying his eyes out because crying is Manly!

" Izuku" Aizawa says as he walked up to the two teenage boys. izuku didn't respond, he was mumbling though so at least he knew the boy was alive as for Kirishima the redhead started apologizing so much Aizawa actually had to cover his mouth.

" It ok," Aizawa says " Denki already explained everything"

" He did?" Kirishima asks

" yah he said it was all his fault and he dragged you into it at the last second," Aizawa says,

" he said that..." Kirishima asks

" yes," Aizawa says

" he's living we both did it, and we are really sorry, we didn't know the extent of what we were doing, and we did want to stop but they said they would kill us if we told anyone," he says.

" We know that too I just wanted to see if you would tell the truth, we aren't sending you to jail, by the way, we know your good kids and people make mistakes, and Izuku wouldn't leave me alone if I let you go to jail so you're staying in the hero program," Aizawa says.

" t-thank you, sir," Kirishima says.

" SHITTY HAIR FUCK YOU!" Bakugou yelled

" shit" Aizawa says, izuku kicked his father lightly, he really had no energy but he still didn't like cursing.

" hey dude," Kirishima says. Denki snapped out of it and looked around

" How did I get here?" he asks

izuku looked up at the new people but didn't recognize there faces, he thought he did for a couple of seconds but shook his head.

" deku"

" deku?" Izuku asks

" what the fuck"

" that's what quirk draining can do to you..." Denki says

" WHAT!" bakugou asks

" All for one, took his quirks," Kirishima says looking at izuku sadly. " he's quirkless" and with that Izuku slumped over on Kirishima and fell asleep.

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