chapter 10

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" Quirkless" no madder how many times Izuku said it, no matter what language, it meant the same thing, he would never have a quirk, he would never be a hero and he would always be a useless Deku.

The ride home from the quirk doctor was silent, his father didn't try and start up a conversation and izuku didn't feel like talking. When he got home he saw Yamada and Hitoshi waiting for them, Izuku walked by without saying anything to his papa or his brother. Izuku just wanted to be alone. Before Izuku could make it to his room he felt a hand on his shoulder.

" Izuku I heard what happened," Hitoshi says, Izuku didn't turn around he stared at the door. "And I wanted to tell you, its ok" Hitoshi says with a small smile, Izuku made a small choking sound and turned around to face his brother.

" I hate liers," Izuku says, "그냥 날 내버려 ( just leave me alone!)" Izuku says raising his voice and opening his door slamming it in Hitoshi's face, izuku ran to the computer they had in their room and pulled up his favorite AllMight video, All might always smile no madder what happed. Izuku pressed play and watched as the video started, there where panicked people, then there was AllMight smiling and telling everyone everything was going to be ok...because he was there Izuku would always have AllMight, he wouldn't leave. That's when Izuku went to the search bar he typed in quirkiness people. The results came up and Izuku saw a public chat where people could post what they thought about topics, let's just say most of there thought where not very nice. But Izuku believed every single one of them. Izuku thought he was just wasting his parent's time, they didn't need him they had Hitoshi...and they could get a new kid with an awsome quirk. That's when Izuku knew what he had to do.


Izuku waited till his dad and papa were asleep before creeping out of bed, He grabbed a piece of paper and a crayon and wrote a note

papa, daddy, and toshi,

I'm sorry 4 waist youre tim, I lov you all vary much. Im run away.

- Izuku 

Izuku placed the note on the kitchen table and checked his All might backpack in case he forgot anything he needed, he had a juice box, his All might toy, his stuffed bunny and some animal crackers, Izuku put on his red shoes which were by the door and looked at his parents apartment one last time, Izuku wasn't really prepared, a four-year-old wasn't supposed to be wandering the streets at night with pajamas that had little zoo animals on them and a bag of snacks. But Izuku had decided he was going to get out of his family's way for three hours so he had been thinking about it for a long time and knew it was the right thing to do, Izuku reached for the door and opened it, he had to stand on his tiptoes but he maneged. And like that Izuku was gone.

hello I am sorry about the short chapter, but there will be a part two to this part I guess I wanted to know what you guys think will happen to Izu, how will his dad's and brother react and why does Izuku have a week-old bag of animal crackers in his backpack all this and more tomorrow or the next day. Also, thanks for reading this so far and I hope you are liking the book. the next chapter will be longer btw.

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